Saturday, 23 April 2016


It's funny how the concept of home changes over the years.  When I was a child, home was always my parents house on the lake.  When I became an adult, I got married and bought my own home.  I felt as if I had two "homes".  When I got divorced I bought my own home and that became my home.  I've never really been comfortable anywhere other than home.  Sure it's nice to visit other places. I would even consider moving there in the future.  But nothing is like home.

My daughter several months ago suggested a move all the way across  country to British Columbia.  Instantly a rock formed in my stomach at the thought of living anywhere other than home.  We needed to see if we really liked it out there, so we went for a visit.

For an almost 13 year old she's pretty smart.  We went to BC and pretty quickly I felt as if I was home, something that had never happened in my life.  Both her and I made friends and we're surrounded by a community that loved us.

This past few years I have witnessed so much death and destruction.  Lost so many people.  Some of whom were my friends, some of whom were self serving people to whom I no longer served a purpose and was discarded like a used tissue. I am exhausted.  The feeling of being loved and supported was amazing.  My daughter making life long friends was phenomenal.

So we have decided to move.  My daughter is anxious to get started in her new life.  Truth be told so am I.  There is so much more freedom that she can have there, something I can't offer her here.  I have never considered moving away from everything I have known.  But it's time to start new.   There are some friends and family  that I will miss.