Saturday, 26 September 2020

You're bigger than your Jeep.

You're never met us, and I'm assuming that you are a guest in our town.  Why do I assume that?  Well in a city of 30000 people you generally don't yell crap like that because someone will know you.  It's kinda a perk of a small city.

I can also ascertain that you are in educated.  Yelling you're bigger than your Jeep is a scientifically impossibility.  Unless we are driving the TARDIS which in that case we are going to rewind things and you are going to get a lecture.

You didn't know that my girlfriend has been taking care of me during immune therapy.  Or that she is under major stress at work and does it with a smile and cries at home.  You have no idea how much time money and effort she gives to various charities.  How much she loves her family and gives her all.

All you saw was a fat woman driving a jeep and you wanted to hurt her.  Well congratulations captain obvious she's fat.  So am I.  Do you think that we didn't own a mirror?  You are obviously starved for attention.  

Do you think that you have a right to comment on her body?  That body that cooks my food, helps me shower, holds me steady? That body who I find attractive without a doubt.  

Who were you trying to impress Mr. 2020 vision.  Your friends?  That one comment said so much about you as you sped away in your vehicle.  Way more than it ever said about her.  

She looked at me and said yeah I've been getting that all my life.  But you know what it gave me a chance to tell her I love her a litt more than i usually do.  (Which is a lot because I really really love her).  So yeah keep on going buddy, yell things at fat ladies.  One of these days that kinda thing is gonna get you in trouble with someone with big muscles.