Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Lesbian Dating 2

Lesbian Dating 2

So I thought I would blog about the Free dating sites available to women who love women. There are several of them for free, but also several “niche dating” sites that you can pay for. I'm going to try and take them two at a time, some of them take up a lot of time to fill out and I want to be thorough. I've copied and pasted my information to each of them for consistency where it allows and used the same pictures as it allows. (Some sites have size requirements). Today's comparison will be between “Plenty of Fish” and “Okcupid!”

Plenty of fish:

Basically a free dating site with some pay options. You are able to message users for free. Fill out a couple of boxes upload a couple of pictures and you are good to go. The meet me feature allows you to click on users photos and classify if you want to meet them or not based on their looks. Good for the person with not a lot of time on their hands. The live chat is dicey at best and at worst non existent. The refresh rate on the site is slow, so be prepared to wait by your in box and refresh frequently.
The site is chalk full of “couples wanting to add a third” which is okay if that is what you are looking for, but very annoying to those lesbians who are looking for something in a serious relationship. There also seems to be a plethora of women on there who “want to date but nothing serious” or for friends or Friends with benefits. Adding to that women who have not dated women before and want to try it out. All that being said, Plenty of fish does have the highest user base out there and the more users they have the more likely your are too meet someone. The majority of profiles on the site seem to shallow and under completed. If you want to know ask seems to be a theme on there. Having gone on a couple of dates with women I've met on there, I've had zero success. That being said there is no comparing meeting someone in real life as apposed to an online personality! My hope of finding my soul mate runs thin on this site, but here's to chance :D


It's the same Free type site that has some pay options. This site you are able to message users for free and the search is called “matches” as apposed to users. I like this site as it is a little more in-depth than POF and has multiple questions you can fill out about yourself. The more questions you answer, the higher percentage that you can be matched up with the users. There does seem to be a lot of women in couples wanting a third and women wanting just to hook up. Perhaps there is just an abundance of women who want this. Okcupid! Has a few more boxes to fill out which allows you to go into greater detail about yourself. Some of them are a little silly like the “most private thing I'm willing to admit” box. Really? Isn't that point of privacy. If you admit it, doesn't it by default become public? Each person that is listed shows up as a friend or enemy or as a match. I just started on this site recently and haven't met anyone for coffee yet.... but I'm working on it.

Shoot me an email if you have a site in mind that you think I should try or blog about. :D I can't be the only Good looking, honest, single lesbian out there :D

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