Saturday, 25 October 2014


He keeps me warm even when he is not there to hold me
He makes my heart skip beats when I am near
He kisses me and steals my breath away
He smiles and lights the room in brilliant colours

He wraps arms around me and I feel safe
He touches me and my flesh tingles
He whispers my name and it sounds like an angel singing
He is the one I want with all my heart.

What a difference in the world and S makes. It's just a simple letter 19th letter in the alphabet, but oh how important it is. Suddenly with the S it becomes a problem, oh such a problem that little letter is. Instead of the poem being now for the general public, it becomes PG 13, as if you have to explain to your children what the big difference is between loving a person of the same gender or sex as the opposite one. That little S gets in the way. I know people have told me “I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.” And I really wonder why its so hard. It's just a little S. Add it or subtract it as the case implies and there you have a simple answer. It's the exact same thing now isn't it. The S just changes from He to She or vice versa and that's all you need to explain. The intimacy of the other “S” feature that people seem to worry about what does it matter? It's just an S.

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