In the last few days my voice has gone
from normal to that of sounding something like a munchkin or an Oompa
Loompa pick your poison. I think it's something viral and not MS
related due to the scratchy feeling I have. Not that I haven't lost
my voice due to MS before, but I think I'm getting sick. Which really
sucks because I have plans coming up I don't want to miss.
My daughter is going away for a bit and
I've never had the opportunity to go and do things for me. I never
got a chance to do things alone, well at least fun things. I've
always been responsible for someone else, and my life
responsibilities have always gotten in the way. Originally I had
thought that I wanted to spend the time when she was away alone and
reflecting on me. Finding a spot to retreat seemed like a perfect
way to spend my time. I've had a bit of a change of heart. I want
to connect with people. So I'm going to go on a few day trips as
money for gas allows and visit people. At the end I'm going camping.
Having to be silent is a great way to
do some simple reflection on your life. Although I do not feel well
at all, deciding what I'm going to do for the span while my daughter
is away has given me some peace.
This week I also was forced to do some
repairs to my SUV. It's been something I've been putting off for a
while. I got an excellent deal on the repairs and made a trip back
to them with some pop-sickles to thank them for their work. They
were really touched and I don't think that many people take the time
out to really thank people. I mean it was only a 3 dollar box of
pop-sickles (Single Mom on a really tight budget), but I thought they
should know how much I really appreciated their hard work. Imagine
the world we could live in if people thought of others and showed
their appreciation! If your car comes back from the shop with
chocolate fingerprints on it, I'm really not sorry :D
Looks like it's soup for me!