Sticks and Stones
August 16 2012
I called this video Sticks and Stones because of the old saying Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me. While names can't physically hurt, they do damage something more important. Our spirits. In April I attended a rally against hate, because a local paper had written some very homophobic and racist remarks. I was amazed at the out pouring of support from the straight community. I lugged 30 pounds of cameras and video equipment to film the event. The day before the rally a member of the LGBT (that stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered) society was murdered. The day following the rally another member committed suicide. I dedicated this video to both of them. The laws are starting to change to allow us the same rights (not special rights) that members of the heterosexual community have. While the law changes, some peoples attitude have not. It isn't socially acceptable anymore to say, "I hate such and such race". But it is socially acceptable to say, "I hate LGBT persons because of my religion or personal beliefs." It is okay to wear shirts with homophobic sayings on it, but wear a pointy hat with a white sheet and you are criticised.
One might argue that we have not enslaved LGBT persons or taken away their lands, but this is not the case. We become enslaved when we are not granted the same rights as other individuals, hate crimes are on the rise, and suicides are up. People forget that during the Holocaust Lesbians and Gay men were sent to the concentration camps. A fate that some radical right wingers would love to repeat in the USA. We have had our land taken away when the spouse of a LGBT person is not recognised, we have been denied jobs and treated as a 3rd class citizen for many years. Although it is now being monitored the amount of crime against LGBT community members is staggering. That is if it is reported.
I'd say I hope you enjoy the video, but it isn't something to be enjoyed, so I'll say I hope you learn from the video and are haunted by the eyes of the dead LGBT kids like I was.
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