Tuesday, 24 September 2013



Last night I spotted a house fire and went tearing down the street to make sure everyone was evacuated from the house. When I realized that everyone was safe I spared a few seconds to see if I could see the cats the poor woman was screaming about. I had a clear line of sight through to the back of the house and would have attempted to grab them if I saw them. Alas I failed to see them and the cats perished in the fire. One of my friends call me a hero for willing to risk my life to save another. I am not a hero, just a concerned citizen. But it got me thinking. Who is a hero?

A hero is not a person who happens upon a circumstance and acts. Heroes are the firefighters who risk their lives on a daily basis and battle blazes for a living. A hero is not some one who cares about a single stranger. Heroes are the Men and women in the Canadian Forces who have dedicated their lives for the country and with out question don their uniforms, kiss their wives, husbands, family and lives goodbye and travel over seas so we can enjoy the freedom of the greatest country in the world. Heroes are not people who try and save an few animals in a fire. Heroes are the police officers who risk their lives every day sheltering us from criminals and protecting our peace. It is these people who are the hero's, it is these people whom we should thank. I was only doing what I hope someone else would do given the same circumstance. True heroes do this on a daily basis. If you haven't already, take the time to thank a true hero today.

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