Tuesday, 18 November 2014


I'm not dead I'm just busy. I'm at 47247 words and counting. The goal was 50 thousand, but I've had to increase that by 15000 words, which is what I had started the story with. Okay I did spend the first day editing all of that, but I'm a purest and the competition was to write 50 thousand words in a month. So I'm going the honest route. I'm ahead of the game and have less than 1400 words to write per day this month to complete my goal. I believe I can do it. The problem for me isn't just that I have to write all this, I'm pretty creative. The problem is I am writing about things I don't know about at some points and I have to do research, a lot of research. So, off I go into the land of Google and search my little heart out. I am going to make it the goal. Really at this point the word goal isn't as important as my own goal of finishing my novel. It's something I have always dreamed of doing. So I'm chasing my dream down and beating it into submission. Wish me luck!

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