Thursday, 6 November 2014

Words on a screen

I never considered myself an author. I've written my fair share of reports, blogs, poetry, short stories, and even a couple of toe tapping songs, but I never had considered myself an author. Oh certainly I had spoken about writing a book and had written chapters here and beginnings of such over the years. I had never finished any of them, and yet still they remained like treasures in my computer waiting to be discovered. I never really considered that something I may write would be interest to someone else. All of the things I have penned have been for me, or on the rare occasions songs or poetry for other people. As I stated before November is National novel writing month and I have accepted this challenge. I opted to work on one of the many beginnings I had already written. Some might think this cheating, but really again I am doing this for me. 50000 words might be the goal for some, but my true goal is to finish the novel. It make take many more than 50,000 words but every day I plug away at it. I'm still not well from my last go round with this years flu and have been stuck in bed. A well loved laptop from an even more loved friend has kept me company through my illness. Although I may not have been able to write much, (sometimes as little as a few hundred words) I'm still making progress. I have found myself pondering the novel and characters even when I am not writing. It makes it easier to write when I have actually gathered the strength to type. I have quickly rekindled my love for the characters that I have written about and each new character has a special place in my heart. It is my dream that perhaps one day someone else would love my characters and in a way they would actually be loving me. Who can't see themselves in a good character. Regardless if it gets published or not, I'm still writing for me. And after all isn't that the point in all of this? I'm still at it dear readers. I'm still here.

word count 22942

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