Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Changing the world we live in

I have a saying posted on my bedroom wall that greets me every time I wake and reminds me of who I am. It says, “Be the change you want to see in the world” Gandhi. I try every day to live up to that quote. I am not so foolish to believe that I can single-handedly change this world that we live in. I'm not that smart or charismatic, but I can change the corner I live in. I can say that today I will make life a little better for someone and maybe the good deeds I sow will flourish and help to change my little corner.

It's funny these online blogs allow strangers access to joys and sadness. Today I wish I could ease the suffering of one of the bloggers that I follow. I feel her pain in the words that she has written, and it tears my heart a little. She is a complete stranger and why would I care? But I do. Part of my problem is I have an overactive caring gland. I care and perhaps that in and of it's self sheds a little light in the dark corner of the universe. We should all care about humanity, when one of us suffers we all suffer, even if we don't acknowledge that portion of our humanity. Life is a cruel joke sometimes, I think the ones that care the most suffer the most, it's like the universe balances out somehow. To the blogger I wish I could extend my condolences, but I can't. I've learned enough in my life to understand how some people can misunderstand a simple act of kindness perhaps sometimes the kindest things we can say is nothing at all. Sometimes silence can speak volumes.

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