Monday, 12 January 2015

Resolve to not resolve!

Well it is now 2015 and as typical I have decided to skip the resolution part. I've known few people who have actually kept them. The only resolution I have actually kept is to not make any! I think changing yourself for the better should come at any time of the year, regardless of the calendar date. So I spent the first few days of the new year looking back on the last year, what I liked what I didn't like, what went well and what failed miserably.
Part of something I like about myself is that I am innately good person. I would go to any lengths to help a fellow human being. There is an old saying: “if you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn”. Where that is true in most cases, there are some people who just can't catch fish for themselves. Let's face it not everyone on the face of this earth makes a good hunter and gatherer. As Einstein said, “if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” But I think in living my altruistic life, I tend to loose a sense of myself and my needs. I need to be needed, it's part of my design, but that doesn't mean I should offer myself or my time on a silver platter. I think I've been doing far too much of that of late, and most probably in my entire life. It's not a case of I believe that my help is not valuable, but lets face it we are more apt to spend found money more frivolously than money we have earned. So I am making less calls, less emails, less texts to people. It gives them a chance to reach out to me, to increase my value, my time.
I also undecorated my house this week end, and I'm almost sad to see it go. Although I do hate the hustle and bustle of the season, I to so enjoy the bright twinkle of the lights on my Christmas tree. The season has left me a little drained, which is why it took me forever to get my home back to the state it was in before the holidays. I'm taking my time, gathering spoons so to speak. When there is less snow and I get a warmer day I will remove the antlers and nose from my SUV. For now it can stay, it is rather useful, I can spot my vehicle in a parking lot even when I forget where I have parked. :D Happy new year all!

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