Tuesday, 12 September 2017

My Girlfriend's son quit his job and I couldn't be prouder!

You might think the title is a little odd, but give me a moment to explain. firstly, he is autistic (asbergers for those who are older). A little over a year ago my girlfriend's son was struggling.  He was emotionally a wreck and was living in a very dark place in his head.  He wouldn't leave the house unaccompanied, thoughts of hurting himself was a constant worry, and his sparkle was gone.  Eventually it was so bad he landed in the hospital by choice.  He realized that he wasn't well.  This past year he has worked very hard to get himself to a better place.  He made his first steps out of the house, to completely changing his eating habits for his health and even started going to the store of his own free will.  Something he never thought he would do.  A little over a month ago he even got a job all by himself.  I didn't think I could be prouder, that is until he quit it.  He started off during the day and was quickly sent to the night shift.    His medication schedule went off, his eating schedule went through the window and his sleeping pattern went out the window.  He tried so hard.  He was so proud that he was working.  His health started to slip and he back slid.   He asked to be put on days realizing that it was having a negative impact on his mental health.  When they couldn't accommodate him, he quit.  I was very proud.   He took steps to insure his own safety and by God that is huge!  I couldn't be prouder of him!   When he gets regulated again I'm sure that he will get another job!  He can do it!   I am also sure that he will find one that is good with his health.  For a kid we were so terrified that he might not be around this year, by God he's knocking it out of the park!  I can't wait to see what is next!

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