Friday, 1 September 2017

Toll charge

Last night was conspiracy Thursday. If I haven't mentioned it before, a few friends gather at my house and watch documentaries. Last night it was on Princess Di. Some nights it's on quantum theory, space, or something absolutely bizarre. It morphed into dinner and a documentary some months back (I'm not sure how) and I'm not sure what is more important, the dinner or the documentary. The most important thing on Thursdays is that it is spent with friends. It it comforting to know that I have made so many in such a short while here in BC. Everyone pitches in, not as a toll charge but as a symbol of togetherness.

The province it's self has welcomed me by having the coldest winter in years, the wettest spring in years (Full of flooding) and then the driest and hottest summer in years. I think that it is testing my limits.

This past week has been full of emotion and unfortunately it has taken a toll on my body. I want to be up and about doing things. I find it a difficult challenge to lower my expectations of myself and forgive myself for not being able to accomplish what I want. My left side is increasingly twitchy and weak, and I haven't found a word that describes the exhaustion I feel. Those with MS know what the fatigue is like. Although I am taking Monifidil. It doesn't seem to help as much and I should probably stop taking it for a few days and see if massive doses of sleep will help.

Sometimes emotions do take a toll charge on my body. Thankfully by the grace of God I am not worried. Some might spend time wondering if this is the new normal or what if anything they might reclaim from this neurological thief. I just ignore it and if it doesn't go away I assimilate it into my life like the Borg. I don't want to spend time wondering what if. I'd rather just enjoy what I have now and celebrate if I get things back.

A few of my friends have commented that I should blog more often and I've decided that they are right. It is something easy I can do from my phone. Also my friend Teddy's voice rings in my ear “Come on Spam sometimes you just need to sit down and write and accept what comes out. They all can't be masterpieces.” So hopefully I will continue to blog more regularly, at least for now.

Thanks Teddy I miss you.

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