Sunday, 5 November 2017

My dyadic essence. ..

The term two spirited is used by the first nations people of North America who are LGBT.   You can be first nations and LGBT and not two spirited. To use the term two spirited has to be a deeper meaning of the particular band to which you belong.  It is not a term to be appropriated by the non native community.  It is a term to be respected and I respect it.  As I respect and acknowledged that the indigenous people of North America have been suffering from the systematic genocide of their people, destruction of thier culture and the theft of the rights to their land. 

Listening to a two spirited person speak a few months ago the words touched me.  They said the creator doesn't make mistakes.  I have always believed that.  The comment was directed specifically at me, our eyes locked and my soul ached.

I love the concept of a deeper spiritual foundation  of the LGBT community.   I believe God has created special lgbt people for spiritual work in this community.  I think this concept needs to be acknowledged and respected in the LGBT community.  The term Two spirited can only be used by the first nations people because it is a specific role.  So how can non native people use words that incorporate the devine masculine and feminine in one person when those words are the same but with different meaning? 

So I struggled to find a term that I could use that would not be offensive to the First Nations people.  A term that would encorporate the Devine feminine and masculine in a member of the LGBT community and reflect that there is a deeper spiritual reason for this state of existence.   It is a nebulous existential concept.   It is an abstract concept and a label is concrete and restrictive.  Labels are a necessary evil in this social construct of ours.  I had to find something.  Words that could empower and express without oppressing others.

Dyadic Essence is the only term I can think of that is close to what I believe.  It is an abstract concept trying to be labeled with the concrete.  I also considered that it can be shortened to Dyad as people have an incessant need to shorten things.  

I am hoping it will achieve what I wish it too.  Celebrating the duality of a spiritual being, without offending or appropriating words from a respected culture and a marginalized people.

1 comment:

  1. a duel essence I love the idea
    My dad is full blood native and my mother Scottish,I was raised in a time when the world was learning and growing yet my parents had it figured out. They had a rainbow of friends, as long as they were good souls they invited you into there world. By this example I am the person I am. My dad is 92 years old so you know from which times he came. The struggles of a minority married to a Caucasian yet they made a life. They had such a modern view.
    I love reading native speeches and there struggles, if you want a good read there is a book called Neno Chochis my first 101 years, he was a friend of my father, and he has such a good story.
    Mini adventures
