Sunday, 11 May 2014

Ah spring

Temperature change is so wonderful. One week it's snowing and the next week it's mild. Unless you live in Canada where we get all 4 season in one day. The problem gearing up for spring is that I can feel the temperature change, and I can feel an attack brewing. Day to day stress isn't helping either. It kinda feels like I'm walking in sand or in a fog just trying to make my way through. The exhaustion is more mental than physical at this point and my ambition level sinks pretty low. Okay it was Mother's day week end and sometimes I just decide that I don't want to do much. Just because I feel an attack coming on doesn't mean I'm going to get one, nor does it tell me if I am how bad it will be. I compensate by making sure my path is clear and a light is on. Tripping over something that you forgot to put away in the middle of the night is never a good thing. I worry more that I'm single because my daughter sleeps really heavily and I could call her for hours with out her waking up. My phone is always with me just in case I get stuck some where and most of the people I associate with know that Hey if I'm over and I feel exhausted I will crash on your couch. They don't even have to be quiet. I could sleep through the apocalypse. An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure.

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