Monday, 22 September 2014

What do you do for a living?

I was on plenty of fish the other day chatting with someone who liked my picture and thought I was kinda cute so she'd message me to see what's going on. The conversation cut short when she asked what I do for a living. I'm on LTD and CPP I responded. For what she enquired. Multiple Sclerosis. Those two words now define what and who I am. I suppose we could add a third depression, which is the direct result of the diagnosis of MS. It was all she needed to make a snap judgement about who I am and decided to move on. Sure she was a nurse, she knew all about the disease. I never got to tell her my story. But I will tell you dear and faithful reader and hope that the next time you have to make a snap judgement on someone you don't.
Many years ago long before I was ever a Mom, ever sick, I took stock of my life and realized that I really didn't want to work in the food service my entire life. There is nothing wrong with that service, I just felt my life was destined for more. I was newly married and had purchased my first home. I had found the real estate agent, lawyer, mortgage broker and done all the leg work. All my husband had to do was show up, which he did. Same story with the wedding. So, at the ripe old age of 21 I got laid off from my job and decided to change my life for the better. I jumped through the hoops with the government and they paid for my General Arts and Science Certificate. The grades I received from that certificate allowed me to apply for a program with 40 seats available and 450 applicants who passed the initial tests. I went through test after test and came in ahead of most of my peers and was offered a seat in the Human Services Counsellor program. We were supposed to be the best of the best. Honestly I looked around the classroom and thought some days dear me why weren't you cut? My parents helped out financially by paying for half of my courses, the other part I paid for. I worked hard often times bringing my books to my job in case I had a spare moment to read. Sometime I had two jobs just to make ends meet. I pulled my weight and more. I also had to care for my husband who was absolutely incapable of cleaning the house, doing laundry or any of the other billion things it takes to own a home. I made the presidents honour roll and the deans list. My assignments were always done early and done well and I sat at the front of the class fearing I'd miss something of critical importance if I didn't. I also didn't want to sit in the back with the people who's parents paid for their education or had gotten student loans and had spent the money on drinking at the pub. After all I had to work after class to pay for my house and my education. I made it through college and started working in my field early, often volunteering at other places because I liked to help the community and because it was job experience. My favourite was the 6 am food truck I volunteered at in the dead of winter looking for homeless under bridges and in parks just to keep them alive. I worked, and even though I was in college and getting an education I went to endless seminars on how to do my job better, I took self defence courses as mandatory in such a “dangerous” field. (I wasn't getting shot at, but a lot of my clients were armed and very very high on “stuff”), I took courses on drugs and crisis intervention, suicide prevention and just about anything else I could. This was my chosen field and when I went to work in the morning it didn't feel like work at all. I opted to work in the field instead of remaining in school as I could get credit just for working and get my diploma. Things were going along well until I got pregnant. I had been laid off from both of my jobs in the field and had to work 3 jobs to make up the mat hours so I could take maternity leave with my baby. I got sick. Very sick. But I didn't give up. I learned to walk again, and how to change a baby with one hand. The hours of physiotherapy were nothing compared to the hours I spent alone in my hospital room trying to make my body do what it was supposed to. I received my diploma while I was sick, unable to make my own graduation because they weren't sure that the stage was wheel chair accessible, and I didn't have the strength to attend to hear my name called, but I have my shiny honours sticker on my diploma. My daughter was born and I poured all my strength into caring for her. When she was 5 months old I went back to work, as my husband didn't earn enough to provide for our family. He opted instead to purchase beer. I was recruited by an agency that worked with my mat leave and gave me another shot in the field in which I loved so much and had worked so hard for. When the agency closed up because of lack of funds I was devastated. I chose to abandon my field that I had put so much effort into and worked at a local call centre. I traded the exciting fulfilling career I had for the monotonous day to day phone service worker job. Why? Because I wanted to have a decent job for my child. A job with security and benefits. The owner of the company sold it to an overseas company who instantly put a cap on our pay. When the other workers complained I told them to be grateful for a good job with sick pay and benefits, bonuses and security. When they took away our sick pay and bonuses I said be glad for a secure job with benefits. They took away the job security and started cleaning house of the dead weight employee's. I was a good employee and didn't wory. I left my alcoholic husband and was in the middle of a bitter and ugly divorce. We had two houses and vehicles and I didn't care about any of it, I just wanted my daughter to be safe, after all that's who I was working for. Then there came a day when we received a letter at work that no longer would they offer the extended medical and dental benefits that I was working for. They capped out at 5000 dollars which was a lot to someone who wasn't sick. On top of working, managing my home and being a single parent I was taking a nasty drug called interferon. It was 30000 dollars a year. I had been reduced to working modified hours because I just couldn't handle working 44 hours a week, so I dropped down to 34 or 36. But at least I was working. I pulled my own weight. There were days I couldn't hug my child because I was in so much pain. When we got notice that they weren't paying for my drugs anymore I took a leave of absence from work. My body couldn't even drag it's self out of bed. I was humiliated. It was bad enough that I had to hobble into work, more often than not using my canes or walker. Now I couldn't even do that. I fought long battles with the insurance company, the things I had worked so hard for seemed to slip from my grasp. It didn't matter that I was educated to the insurance company I was just a problem to be dealt with. My daughter giggled with glee when I walked her to school riding my walker and couldn't understand just why I wouldn't drag it out more often for her to have fun with. I finally won the battle with the insurance company and with the government. It was a sad battle because I still wanted to work. Truth is I still do. But I do work, I'm a mom. When I walk my kid to the school bus every morning and greet her as she comes home. I did it for her. I willingly gave up my career to be a good parent. I lost the ability to even do a job that I hated (even though I did exceedingly well), but I could be a better parent. When I got pregnant I made a vow that my child would be the number one priority in my life and I haven't broken that yet. So it doesn't matter that I had 27 jobs in 27 years and after that I stopped counting the amount. It doesn't matter that I have 2 certificates and a diploma. It doesn't matter that I have a house I have managed to hold on to by the skin of my teeth. It only matters that she is emotionally looked after, has a home and wakes up every morning knowing she is loved and provided for and protected and sets her head on the pillow every night knowing the same thing. So when you ask me what I do for a living, I'm a mom. And a damn good one.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

The Lost Soldier

I have almost completed my twice yearly seasonal cleaning. I suppose this is a relic left over from childhood where my mother would clean and decorate the house for each changing season. My daughter has wanted to go to the local dollar store to procure some things for decorating for the fall season. I clean for a different reason. A few years back a long term relationship ended and I needed to take stock of my household. Everything was dirty and tainted and I spent weeks feverishly cleaning my house in order for me to try and make it a home. I clean to take stock of my life. I was cleaning my kitchen drawers, which involves taking absolutely everything out, washing it and organizing it. My kitchen junk drawer always seems like a daunting task until I haul everything out and organize it. Two things grabbed my attention this time. Firstly it was a baster that I had separated earlier and washed. I was struggling to put it back together and thought, “Why bother I could pick another up at the dollar store”. The thought repulsed me. This society where things and people are so used up and replaced so quickly sickens me to the core. It was worth the struggle to put this thing back together so that I may use it again, if only on principle. After a hard fought battle I managed to piece it together again. 

 The other thing I came across was one of my toy soldiers. It was one of the very few things I would not let my ex throw away. I had started collecting them when I was little and lovingly hung them on the Christmas tree. The had reminded me of my Grandfather, these little toy soldiers. Having known at a very young age that he had fought and been injured in world war 2. Each year I bought a new ornament and more often than not a little wooden soldier. I lovingly scooped him out of the drawer and washed his face off and his uniform. “Where did you come from little soldier” I spoke in hushed tones to this inanimate little being. How had he made his way from my carefully organized Christmas ornaments to my junk drawer. Surely he had not hobbled on his stick legs he lacked feet. How was my little soldier supposed to march with no feet? What would his unit say? Would they carry him along with respect and responsibility for their own? I racked my brain to figure out how I would repair him. He was of value to me, loved since childhood. I decided to leave him as is. I will place him at the top of the tree to remind myself that even wounded soldiers have their value. He will be at the top of his troop of friends in a place of honour as a reminder that everything has value, especially people. I have named him Sherman after my grandfather who was left hobbling on canes after taking shrapnel. I hope my grandfather will look down from heaven like this poor wounded soldier at the top of my tree and smile and be proud of me. If only for this little token of remembrance that I have.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Sometimes using your karate skills means running away

I don't often blog about technique in Karate. As a brown belt I'm just not that qualified. Sure I can give an opinion on what works for me, but I'm just not a “master of the basics”. Yet... But I do have enough training in good dojo's to get an eye of what is going to work in real life. See, some people get their black belts with out ever knowing what it's like to get the floor thrown at them, take a punch to the head, make mistakes and realize that everyone's body is different. You may be adapt at jumping up really high and kicking someone on the top of the head, but rarely have I witnessed a fight that it would be useful in.
Lately there are a lot of video's out there showing off skill and prowess of martial artists. Here you do this fancy technique and you can disarm someone and hold them until the police get there and take the bad guy away. It's a really great theory if you are superman, but in all practicality it's wrong. The first thing you should do if someone brandishes a weapon at you is run away, preferably screaming. In any situation even given the best set of probabilities you are going to get hurt. There is nothing on you more valuable than your life and if you are with someone else their lives. There is nothing worse than an inflated sense of self confidence to get you hurt. My wallet can be replaced, my life can't be. But what about those pretty techniques. Yes they are beautiful indeed, but for the 99% of us who haven't practised martial arts all our lives and have not dedicated all of our time and effort into training our bodies to super human capacity it's not going to go so well. Stuff just happens. There is nothing wrong with an ugly down and dirty technique that is going to stop someone from killing you. If you have to poke an eyeball to do it then you have to. It's your body and your life you are defending. Fighting isn't pretty, it isn't fancy. If someone attacks you the best option is to not be there in the first place. Why gamble with your life? Odds are if you attacked with a knife you aren't going to be able to see it in the first. So all those best case scenario’s who've seen where the guy gets tossed around like a rag doll goes right out the window. IF your Sensei doesn't instill in you the knowledge that if you are attacked with a knife and you actually HAVE to defend yourself because there is simply no where for you to go that you are going to get cut, you should probably get a new Sensei.
Speaking of martial artists, I have to give my daughter credit where credit is due. She's been training for well over 5 years (longer than I have) and she has started in a new school and gone back down to a white belt. Her response was.... “Mom it just feels so good to put on my gi and train again I don't care.” What a kid. If all martial artists were like her the world would be a better place. I love that she has such passion and dedication to the art.

Be yourself

Recently I have noticed a few close friends struggling to be themselves. In this world that expects mindless automatons, cookie cutter actions and where you are given a number and stripped of your identity it isn't surprising that many people struggle with this issue. Children at school are supposed to fit in, act in a certain way, and conform to the norms of society. Unfortunately in this way we are loosing some of the uniqueness that children have. As adults we must act, dress and behave in a certain way to conform to the normalcy of the working environment. The problem is that it's hard to shed these persona’s at home and in our personal lives. When I was a counsellor I was for warned that the burn out rate for my field was extraordinarily high. Most people suffered from burn out with in 2 to 3 years of their career. Why is this? Because they failed to leave work at work and home at home. I never burned out because I separated my work “face” from my home “face” and never the twain shall meet. People didn't really understand what I did for a living, nor did people at work have a grasp on my home life. The trick is to conform only when you have to, and be free in your personal life. Make your home life a safe environment for you, the unedited creative you. The one that doesn't have to earn money or fit in. Be creative. If people in your personal life can't except you for you, then shed them like a snake sheds it's skin. They are not worth your time. Love you for you. And most importantly take time for you. Find something you love and make sure in the busy schedule of life that you schedule yourself in. I know having children means that you put them first, but part of taking care of children is taking care of yourself. Lead by example and encourage them to be creative little creatures which ever they choose possible! And always remember that you are a unique and special person no matter what anyone else has to say. If they reject you for you then they weren't meant to be in your life in the first place.

Sunday, 14 September 2014


Autumn is my favourite time of year. Although each season is beautiful in it's own way, fall has always been my favourite. The weather starts getting cooler and no longer am I bothered by the heat and humidity. That first little nip of coolness comes out and grabs a hold of your nose making you grab that comfy sweater that feels kind of like a warm hug. This time of year makes me want to go outside and and eat an apple, (one of those big juicy ones that are sticky sweet and tart) and feel the juice get cold on my fingers as it runs down my arm. I want to walk in nature and feel the leaves crunch underneath my feet and go up to the highest place I can up in the ridges and look down on the earth and see the different colours God has painted it. Each leaf is unique in and of it's self, and each leaf plays an important part in the tapestry of design of each tree. The wind this time of year has a chuckling voice as it caresses the leaves and picks them up and whirls them about in endless different patterns. The animals run around getting fat for the winter season, but every once and a while I'm sure they stop and have a little fun with the decorations that nature has dropped. It makes me want to hold hands and snuggle a little deeper in the covers, go for a hey ride and pick pumpkins. My heart leaps a little knowing that of all the seasons fall seems to be so incredibly short compared to winter and even summer, nestled in between in perfect harmony. It makes me think of love and romance, fresh starts in school and the last few hurrahs we can get before it becomes too cold. Anyone wanting the keys to my heart can never go wrong with something in the fall. The thunderstorms in the fall are beautiful and there is no better thing I like to do than curl up under the blankets with a loved one and watch the show. Secretly hoping that the lights will go out and I may be forced to light a few candles for light you see, not ambiance. I love the costumes at Halloween the time of year we can tell children they can be anything they want. Some are doctors and firefighters and some are witches and various forms of the undead. All being judged as we should be on creativity and fun instead of silly things like social economic class and the size of the house you have. The adults even get to play along, no one looks at you funny and instantly you are transported back to being a kid again. There is pumpkin pie, turkey, squash and fresh buns. And the air smells like like leaves and it makes that little divit between your lips and your nose just a little bit cool when you breathe. And of all the fruits and veggies ripened in the fall. The most I crave is concord grapes, with their sweet taste and tart after taste. This time of year is unquestionably my favourite. While I have no partner to hold hands with, I will be asking my kid to take long beautiful walks in the chilly air. I may even invite a friend, and don't be surprised if I reach out and take your head, so overwhelmed with beauty that I have to share it with someone.

Thursday, 11 September 2014


When you wrong someone, you must apologize. Unless you don't feel badly that is. Apologizing when you don't feel badly is counter productive. It is lip service and on top of things, it is insulting and demeaning to the other party. When you wrong someone, the apology must be meaningful. It must firstly acknowledge why you are apologizing. If you just say “sorry” could mean anything, sorry you are a bone head, sorry you have a face like that, or sorry I hurt you. Example, I am sorry that you felt betrayed and neglected. You need to validate the other persons feelings, it is about them. The second step is to admit what you did wrong. I take responsibility for double booking my day and choosing to go to the movies instead of spending time with you like I promised. The last step is to figure out what to do differently, make changes in your behaviour so that you don't hurt them again. Example: In the future I will do my best to keep my promises and tell you if there are any other plans in the work. You can even go as far as to ask them, What would you like to see happen in the future so I do not make this mistake again.

If you are wronged, try to listen with open open ear. How ever that being said, you are under no obligation to accept an apology no matter how sincere, nor are you under any obligation to allow yourself to be put in a position where you are repeatedly hurt. If people hurt you constantly, forgive them and move on. If they truly care about you, they will change their behaviour. Also realize that it is their issue and not your own to deal with. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough for your own mental health.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Love yourself

Recently I have come across a bunch of friends in terrible relationships. They are almost always one sided parasitic relationships. It's hard to watch someone in so much pain because they deserve better, they deserve love and they aren't getting it. There is nothing more lonely than going to bed with someone and feeling all alone.

I have other friends who hop from relationship to relationship and each time they change relationships they lose a bit of themselves. Each crappy relationship they get in they immediately fall in love (or what they think is love) and in the end getting hurt because they just gave away too much of themselves and were rejected. They are addicted to love, craving it wanting it and settling for anyone who would spout the words. They are love junkies, settling for a shallow substitution. Love is not parasitic it is symbiotic. The bible says this about love:

1 Corinthians 13:4-8New International Version (NIV)

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
We all fight and argue. Some of us fighting to keep our place in the relationships we are in, but in the end you have to realize why you are fighting and what is worth fighting for. If you are fighting for you and your right to be loved, perhaps the person you are fighting for isn't worth it. Don't take a bullet for someone who is going to be the one taking the gun for you. So take what Corinthians says and apply it to yourself first before you can share that with someone else.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A book is an old friend!

There is nothing like the feeling of a book in your hands. Now don't get me wrong, I do have a love affair going on with my kobo mini. 1500 books at my fingertips at anytime any place I want and the ease of fitting in my pocket. It's a walking library at my disposal anytime I wish. But there is absolutely nothing that compares to holding a book in your hands, feeling the cool pages in your hands open and exposed waiting for you to read. Old books show the markings of dog eared pages, past spots where the reader before hand has loved them. New books are fresh and virginal, the spine cracks a bit as you break it open for the first time. There is something more intimate about that book in your hands. It's a torrid love affair that leaves wanting more at the end of it. Wishing that you could go back to that moment before the denouement and relive it over and over again. And indeed you do, with a book you can go back and relish the moments where you fall in love with a character. Read it over and over again until the words are memorized in your mind. With a book you can create a live action movie in your mind and imagine the details of the characters drawn out in the book. You can fall in love, get angry, get jealous and even cry. Reading a book is more like a relationship or a love affair if the book is an especially good one. It leaves you hungry for more. You can visit strange lands in your mind, places that don't even exist but for the briefest moments in the annals of your imagination. You can do things and achieve things you never thought possible just by picking up a dusty old book. Years later when you revisit it, often the passion is stronger like a marriage where you know the book intimately, you have an idea what is going to happen and your eyes seek that deeper and desperate meaning. Sure I love my kobo, it's like a quick kiss from a loved one even if the story is a long one. It is information. But nothing compares to turning that page in a real life book. Visiting it over and over again in the years. Watching the pages turn from bright white to the faded brown with time and wear. On the kobo they are still the same, no dog eared loved pages, nothing to show that someone once loved this story. Although computers and ereaders, Iphones and androids all have their use. If you really want a child to learn to read, learn to love to read, grow up having a healthy respect for books, give them one. It's the one addiction I promise won't harm them.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

This inverse world we live in

Having a family member with Autism means you have to think outside the box. My very close friend has a daughter that has autism. Every time I have a  conversation with her, I think that that there just isn't anything wrong with her, there is something wrong with the world. I was talking with her the other day and she says, “Pam do you have a friend girl yet?” Which is the term we had to give her for girls that someone might be interested in dating. I had to reply that No I was still single, but perhaps maybe someday I would. I told her that a girl in Thunder bay was coming out to see me. “Oh it's too bad she went to prison.” I blinked and thought maybe she knew something about my potential date that I didn't (it'd be par for the course though considering my dating history). “I don't believe she went to prison”, I tentatively replied. “Thunder bay is where they send all the criminals.” I couldn't follow her logic. I know she has a point and there is a TON of stuff that she knows that I don't. “Um honey I don't think that is the right city”. I'm now racking my brain to think if there is a major prison up there or not. “Yes it is, it's where they send the army guys.” Now I'm thinking she's mixing up the club fed prison in Edmonton, then her mother pipes up, “No sweetheart that's Guantanamo bay”. I'm dying laughing now, carefully because I wouldn't want her to think I'm laughing at her, but the innocents is so funny and so is the simple mistake. There was no judgement that my date might have been a criminal of war, but just sorry she had this fictional experience. Then she says, “Pam I know why you haven't found a girlfriend yet.” Oh I said, why is that. I'm curious to see what her take is on it and also very afraid she's going to tell me that I have chronic halitosis or something. “It's because you're super awesome and you need to find some one who is equally as awesome to be with you.” Oh my goodness, my heart is bursting out of my chest. “Oh ___ I love you, can I give you a hug?” “Nope” she says. My feelings aren't hurt, she'll hug me when she wants to and that is more than okay. She makes the world a better place, she's also incapable of lying which means I really am super awesome. I have to wonder why they consider autism a disability, what if the world was like this. Honest and loving. What kind of a world would we live in then? What kind of heaven would that be. Instead we have people who would take that innocents and mistreat people with autism. I recently came across a news story that made me want to vomit and left me crying. It's a story about a bunch of teens who bullied an autistic boy. Under the guise of doing the ALS ice bucket challenge they filled the bucket with excrement, urine and all sorts of other bodily fluids and cigarette butts and dumped it on the teen. I saw my friends child's face and realized that I probably would have gone to prison. What kind of a backwards world do we live in that these jewels would be thrown away and discarded in the mire of human waste. And they still shine so brightly. How can the world not want to protect such innocents? If you really want to know what kind of a human-being you are ask an autistic child. Get to know them. Value them because they are priceless. The story is here

Friday, 5 September 2014

The unwitting soldier

This week I got two very important reminders. Firstly the fact that world war 2 started (At least for Canada) 75 years ago September 10 1939. It is been 3/4's of a century since we declared war. And secondly and Evening of Hope is coming up around October 20th. An evening of hope is where people who are LGBTQ and supporters get together and remember the fallen. Typically the term “the fallen” is used to describe soldiers who have fallen in a war who have given their lives as sacrifice. Why then have I dubbed the suicides of a bunch of people “the fallen”? Regardless if you know it or not, regardless if you accept it or not all people who are LGBTQ are soldiers. We are fighting a battle just to exist in this world. I filmed a piece during a silent protest march a couple years back. You can find the link here: A friend of mine watched and said, “They are just children!” Yes, the youngest one was 8 and oldest was 22 I believe. They are children. They are your sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren. They are the people we should be protecting. But how can a child of 8 know their own sexuality? Perhaps they don't, perhaps they weren't even gay. But the fact of the matter is these children were bullied because they were “perceived” as gay and they were bullied so completely that they gave up their own life. They lost the battle, but the war is not over. Let's look at some stats taken from Egal:

33% of LGB youth have attempted suicide in comparison to 7% of youth in general (Saewyc 2007).
  • Over half of GLB students (47% of GB males and 73% of LB females) have thought about suicide (Eisenberg & Resnick, 2006).
  • In 2010, 47% of trans youth in Ontario had thought about suicide and 19% had attempted suicide in the preceding year (Scanlon, Travers, Coleman, Bauer, & Boyce, 2010).
  • LGBTQ youth are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers (Massachusetts Department of Education, 2009).
  • Adolescent youth who have been rejected by their families for being LGB are over 8 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers (Ryan, Huebner, Diaz, & Sanchez, 2009).
  • A study in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario revealed that 28% of transgender and Two Spirit people had attempted suicide at least once (Taylor, 2006).
  • Both victims and perpetrators of bullying are at a higher risk for suicide than their peers. Children who are both victims and perpetrators of bullying are at the highest risk (Kim & Leventhal, 2008; “Suicide and bullying: Issue brief,” 2011).
  • While suicide is never the result of one cause, bullying can have a long-lasting effect on suicide risk and mental health. The relationship between bullying and suicide is stronger for lesbian, gay and bisexual youth than for their heterosexual peers (Kim & Leventhal, 2008):
    • 68% of trans students, 55% of LB students and 42% of GB students reported being verbally harassed about their perceived gender identity or sexual orientation.
    • 20% of LGBTQ students reported being physically harassed or assaulted about their perceived gender identity or sexual orientation.
    • 49% of trans students, 33% of lesbian students and 40% of gay male students have experienced sexual harassment in school in the last year (Taylor et al. 2011).
500 Children a year take their own life in Canada. 500. So out of those 500 suicides lgtbq have a the greater risk of suicide the common number used it 4 to 6 times greater than their heterosexual peers. Okay lets take take the middle road and say 5 times. If you take the 500 children who committed suicide and figure that 10 percent of them are gay that makes 50 children. If you take the fact that 5 times the amount of gay children commit suicide and multiply it by the number of gay children that's 250 children out of the 500. That's half of all the children who have commited suicide in Canada. 3500 suicides take place in Canada per year typically. If we consider 500 of them are children, 3000 must be adults 1500 of those adults are gay. This is just in Canada, and as a country our laws are pretty relaxed. We are supposed to enjoy freedoms that our forefathers fought for and our current soldiers are fighting for. So what's wrong, why are we dying in droves? Just because legally people can not discriminate against us doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. Brothers and sisters and those who choose not to define as either are dying for love literally. The negative messages that LGBTQ people receive on a daily basis is astounding. While we don't dawn uniforms, carry weapons or even realize that we are fighting for our lives, the statistical and simple truth is that we are. So everyone of us LGTBQ people are soldiers fighting not only to carve out a happy existence in this world but fighting for our lives. We don't get leave, we don't get paid but all of us have to fight one way or another. Some hunker down in comfy lives relaxing that they made it. Some choose to stand in the front line fighting for our rights and freedoms. All of us baring the scars in one way shape or form that mark our fight. If you still don't believe me, when was the last time you heard of a Heterosexual being beaten just because they are a heterosexual? We have heterosexual awareness groups that claim that they need a parade too. Instead of complaining that you don't have a parade be thankful that you don't need one. While I typically don't like the pompous overly sexualized Toronto pride parade, it does serve a purpose. It sends a message to LGBTQ people that they aren't alone. So, my role in the LGBTQ community is to look at the suicides to keep track of them. Sometimes I faulter and I just don't want to see another dead kid, another homosexual who has given up the fight, who died for love. But I urge you. Look at the video pay attention to the eyes that spoke so much to me while I was creating it. Look these children in the eye and acknowledge that they died for love. They died because they were told that being gay was bad even if they weren't gay themselves. They died because they couldn't face a life of fighting. I also urge you as a grand-kid of a vet to thank a soldier. Those men and now women who dedicate their lives for our freedoms. Remember the fallen soldiers who fought so we as a people could keep on fighting. Remember the men who fought so that the LGBTQ population wouldn't be shoved in concentration camps wearing pink or black triangles. But also with in our own community remember those who died for love or died for lack of it. Take one day and remember them so that we will not forget. And taste each freedom that we gain. Fight longer and harder. Grieve for them, but get angry enough to fight for yourself, for your brother and sisters. Realize that you deserve love and fight for it, fight to find it, keep it and cherish it. Those allies in our community fight for us and love us. We need more. Remember those people who have lost their families friends and loved ones because they are gay. Become their families, be their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and aunts and uncles. Realize that you aren't alone. You aren't fighting this battle or war alone. Don't give up. There are others who are your comrades in arms, unwitting soldiers who fight daily. Don't let the battles that we fight daily make you hard, break you and become bitter. Realize that the way people treat you says more about them then it does about you. Don't give up. Please. I don't want your picture to be the next one I have to look at. I don't want to see the pain in your eyes as it reflects in my own. And if it helps, I may not know you but you are worth fighting for and I am here.  Below is a list of Fatalities starting from  1930 to 2012.  It isn't complete and never will be.  This is but the tip of the iceberg. 

Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1932, Apr 27
Hart Crane SS Orizaba, Gulf of Mexico G 33 poet suicide self
1934, Jun 30
Edmund Heines Munich, Ger G 37 SA Gruppenführer shot SS Officers
1934, Jun 30
Unidentified Munich, Ger G 18 SA Troop Leader shot SS Officers
1934, Jun 30
Karl Ernst Lichterflede, Berlin, Ger B? 30 SA Gruppenführer shot SS firing squad
1934, Jul 1
Emil Sembach Germany G 43 SS Oberfuhrer shot SS officers
1934, Jul 2
Ernst Roehm Munich, Ger G 47 SA Leader shot Adolf Hitler?
1965, Sep 20
Claude Berkeley Amsterdam G 30 film director bludgeoned Hans von Zon
1968, Oct 31
Ramon Novarro Hollywood, CA G 69 silent film star beaten Paul & Tom Ferguson
J. McCann Los Angeles, CA G ? ? beaten police
1969, Apr 22
Frank Bartley Berkeley, CA G 34 ? shot policeman
1969, Jun 18
unknown Reggio Emillia, Italy G ? ? shot / suicide? police raid
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1970, Mar 8 Laverne (Larry) Turner Los Angeles, Ca T ? ? shot LAPD
1972 Unidentified New York, NY T ? ? stabbed ?
1972, April 21 Michelle (Maxwell) Confait London T ? ? burned alive ?
1972, Dec 24 Edward D. Moore Long Beach, CA B ? Marine strangled Randy Kraft
1973 Jamie Ford San Diego, CA G ? ? stabbed ?
1973, Feb 6 Unidentified #1 Long Beach, CA G 18-20 ? strangled Randy Kraft
1973, April 6? Unidentified #2 Huntington Beach, Ca G ? ? suffocated Randy Kraft
1973, April 22 Unidentified #3 Sunset Beach, Ca G 20 ? strangled Randy Kraft
1973, Nov 24 William Battles South Bronx, NY G ? ? beaten ?
1974 Harvey Aberles New York, NY T ? ? shot NYPD
1974, Jun 24 Jae Stevens San Francisco, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1974, Aug 3 Thomas Lee Long Beach, Ca oil field G 25 ? strangled Randy Kraft
1974, Nov 26 James Reeves Costa Mesa, Ca G 19 ? suffocated Randy Kraft
1975, Mar 15 Barbarela (Joe V.) San Francisco, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1975, Apr Lisa R. Yancey San Francisco, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1976 Toni Lee New York, NY T ? ? stabbed ?
1976, Apr 4 Jody Susan Ford Birmingham, AL ? ? ? shot ?
1976, May Nikki ? T ? ? thrown off roof ?
1976, May 20 Terri Williams Moore Lynnville, IA ? ? ? shot ?
1977, Feb 14 Robert Gary New Orleans, LA G ? ? stabbed 50x Warren Harris
1977, Mar 21 Jack Savell New Orleans, LA G ? ? stabbed Warren Harris
1977, Apr 1 Alvin Delano New Orleans, LA G ? ? stabbed Warren Harris
1977, Apr Ernest Pommier New Orleans, LA G 75 ? stabbed Warren Harris
1977, Jun 21 Robert Hillsborough San Francisco, CA G 33 Gardner stabbed 15x John Cordova
1977, Jul 10 Benderella Tacoma, WA T ? ? shot ?
1977, Jul 24 Cynthia Coffman Nashville, TN ? ? ? shot ?
1977, Jul 24 Felicia Coffman Nashville, TN ? ? ? shot ?
1977, Dec 21 Perry Young New York, NY ? ? ? shot ?
1978, Feb 9 Giovanni Campi Lombardi, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1978, Mar 14 Giovanni Gelati Lombardi, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1978, Nov 27 Harvey Milk San Francisco, CA G 48 City Councilman shot Dan White
1978, Dec 18 Luciano Stefanato Veneto, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1979 Unidentified Boston, MA T ? ? ? ?
1979 Ernest Garcia ? G ? ? ? ?
1979 Charles Moya ? G 30 ? ? ?
1979 Tony Gutierrez ? G 32 ? ? ?
1979, May 22 Dario Taddei Toscana, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1979, Aug 4 Angelo Marzari Veneto, Italy G 55 ? ? ?
1979, Oct 7 Steven Charles Manhattan, NY G 17 ? beaten Costabile "Gus" Farace
1979, Dec 12 Claudio Costa Veneto, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1979, Dec 16 Rita Sellers El Rancho, CA G ? ? ? ?
1980 - 1984
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
Kristi Independence Kelly California T ? ? ? Dannites?
1980, Mar 28
Carol Ann Oetting Austin, TX L 42 ? shot ?
1980, Apr 30
Domenico Raso Valdaosta, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1980, Jun 30
Antonio Mannara Lazio, Italy G 24 ? ? ?
1980, Oct 17
Antonio Galatola Sicily, Italy G 15 ? ? ?
1980, Oct 17
Giorgio Giammona Sicily, Italy G 25 ? ? ?
1980, Dec 15
Jean Shelley Boushard Fox Howell, NJ T 32 ? shot Robert Fox
1981 (March 3?)
Steve Kennedy San Francisco, CA G 29? ? shot ?
1981, Jan 3
Barbara Brodie Feltonville, PA T ? ? impaled ?
1981, Mar 3
Ernestine (Ernest) Murray Oakland, CA T 32 ? shot ?
1981, Mar 3
Joe Duque Bexar Co., TX G 18 student beaten David Villarreal
1981, Aug 15
Andre Vacarro Providence, RI T ? ? stabbed/shot ?
1981, Oct 7
Diane Delia New York, NY T 24 drag performer shot 4x Robert Ferrara
1981, Dec 4
James Weber Central Park, NY G 42 actor shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 15
Stephen Hassell New York, NY G 29 businessman shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 23
Michael Winley Harlem River, NY G? ? male prostitute? shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 25
Heriberto Morales New York, NY G 50 ? shot David Bullock
1981, Dec 25
Terry Wilson New York, NY ? ? ? stabbed ?
Unidentified Quebec, Canada T ? ? stabbed ?
1982, Jan 4
Unidentified Washington, DC T ? ? shot ?
1982, Jan 4
Eric Fuller Mount Morris Park, NY G 28 ? shot David Bullock
1982, Feb 16
Dianne Aubert ? T ? ? stabbed 121x ?
1982, Mar 5
Carlo Lombardi Campania, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1982, Mar 7
Agostino Sanseverino Sicily, Italy G 32 ? ? ?
1982, Mar 22
Jay Reynolds Lexington, KY ? ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Apr 24
Salvatore Pappalardo Lazio, Italy G 36 ? ? ?
1982, Jun 19
Amedeo Gilli Lazio, Italy G 56 ? ? ?
1982, Jun 23
Cosimo Agnusdei Lazio, Italy G 65 ? ? ?
1982, Jun 28
Ignazio Porcari Lazio, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1982, Aug 1
Umberto Regosa Emilia Romagna, Italy G 47 ? ? ?
1982, Aug 10
Rickey Lee Bryant Fort Worth, TX G ? ? ? lover
1982, Oct 3
Delvoyd Baker Indianapolis, IN G 14 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Oct 23
Steven Crockett Indianapolis, IN G 19 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Nov 6
Robert Foley Indiana G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Dec 25
John Johnson Belshaw, IN G 25 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Dec 28
John Roach Belleville, IN G 21 ? ? Larry Eyler
1982, Dec 28
Steven Agan Newport, IN G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
Tara O'Hara Berlin, Germany T ? ? beaten ?
1983, Jan 10
Luigi Pitera Campania, Italy G 36 ? ? ?
1983, Jan 10
Vincenzo Contini Campania, Italy G 42 ? ? ?
1983, Aug 31
Ralph Calise Lake Forest, IL G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
1983, Sep 16
Andrea de Luca Lazio, Italy G 55 ? ? ?
1983, Oct 4
Derrick Hansen Kenosha, WA G 14 ? ? ?
1983, Oct 15
Linda Williams Yonkers, NY G ? ? stabbed ?
1983, Dec 7
Richard Wayne Indianapolis, IN G ? ? ? Larry Eyler
Unidentified Miami, FL T ? ? shot ?
Adele Bailry Victoria, Australia ? ? ? shot ?
1984, May
Chiron (Allen Byrd) Collins Philadelphia, PA T ? ? stabbed 42x ?
1984, Jul 7
Charlie Howard Bangor, ME ? ? ? thrown from bridge ?
1984, Jul 27
Paolo Oniti Lazio, Italy G 44 ? ? ?
1984, Aug 4
Giuseppe Muccio Piemonte, Italy G 32 ? ? ?
1984, Aug 21
Danny Bridges Chicago, IL G 15 male prostitute ? Larry Eyler
1984, Sep 4
Geradious Romers Lazio, Italy G 39 ? ? ?
1984, Sep 14
Giancarlo Raspi Umbria, Italy G 38 ? ? ?
1984, Oct 20
Philip Robert Filshire Toronto, Canada ? ? ? stabbed ?
1985 - 1989
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1985, Jan 26 Mario Beato Lazio, Italy G 70 ? ? ?
1985, Mar 1 Tianna (Timothy) Langly Philadelphia, PA T ? ? shot ?
1985, Apr 17 Cortez Morris Philadelphia, PA ? ? ? stabbed ?
1985, Jul 16 Felix Benitez New York, NY ? ? ? ? ?
1985, Jul 17 Stella (Jerome Brent) Essie Chicago, IL T ? ? sledgehammer ?
1985, Aug 15 Clyde Massie Pittsburgh, PA ? ? ? shot ?
1985, Sep 3 Giovanni Milianti Tuscany, Italy G 42 ? ? ?
1985, Oct 7 Jessica (Gerardo) Castillo New Brunswick, NY T ? ? shot ?
1985, Nov 1 Gennaro Ciciola Lazio, Italy G 40 ? ? ?
1985, Dec 1 Francesco Bottiglieri Lombardia, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1986, Apr 6 Carlos Humberto Licona Tegucigalpa, Honduras G ? ? shot 4x ?
1986, May Louise Wan Florida ? ? ? beaten ?
1986, May 10 Bruno Dejana Piemonte, Italy G 54 ? ? ?
1986, Jun 30 Tanya (Jonathan) Streater Philadelphia, PA T ? ? shot ?
1986, Jun 30 Tina (Faustino) Arroyo Philadelphia, PA T ? ? shot ?
1986, Jul 17 Alfred Miess Rowswell Los Angeles, CA G 46 ? ? Juan Chavez
1986, Sep Floyd Olson Minneapolis, MN G ? ? strangled ?
1986, Sep 16 Dianne (Anthony Ellsworth) Carter Boston, MA T ? ? shot ?
1986, Oct 1 David F. McLaughlin Syracuse, NY ? ? ? stabbed ?
1986, Oct 31 "John" Desert City, CA ? ? ? shot ?
1986, Nov 23 Kenneth Kenner ? G 39 ? roofing hatchet ?
1987 Anthony Milano Levittown, PA ? ? ? ? ?
1987 Marvin Ball Oklahoma City, OK ? ? ? shot ?
1987, Jan 1 Raymond Keam Alison Park, Australia ? ? ? beaten ?
1987, Jan 12 Michelle Byrne Nashville, TN ? ? ? tortured / beaten ?
1987, Feb 6 Jane (James Boyd) Golden St. Petersburg, FL T ? ? ? ?
1987, Mar 2 Lisa Janna Black Toronto, Canada ? ? ? stabbed in eye ?
1987, May 25 Antonio Fiorino Sicily, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1987, Jul Camilla (Cam) Lyman Hopkinson, RI T ? ? ? ?
1987, Sep 16 Lodovico Mosconi Lombardia, Italy G 59 ? ? ?
1987, Oct 4 Franco Migani Emilia Romagna, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1987, Oct 4 Gabriele Montanari Emilia Romagna, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1987, Nov 3 Attilio Balistreri Sicily, Italy G 63 ? strangled ?
1987, Nov 27 Gennaro Marino Campania, Italy G 44 ? ? ?
1987, Dec 25 Crystal (Rosando) Sanches Reyes Oxnard, CA T ? ? shot ?
1988 Ruby Bota Gibsonton, FL ? ? ? ? ?
1988 Cesare Cerutti de Castigliano Piemonte, Italy G 63 ? ? ?
1988, May 15 Richard Reihl Hartford, CT ? ? ? bludgeoned ?
1988, May 15 Tommy Trimble Texas G 34 ? ? serial killer
1988, May 15 Lloyd Griffin Texas G 27 ? ? serial killer
1988, Jun 26 Samantha York Fayetteville, NC ? ? ? ? ?
1988, Jul 17 Ramon Baez Mexico City, Mex G ? ? ? ?
1988, Jul 21 Luca Coppola Sicily, Italy G 31 ? ? ?
1988, Jul 21 Giancarlo Prati Sicily, Italy G 45 ? ? ?
1988, Sep 24 Sergio Borgiotti Toscany, Italy G 47 ? ? ?
1988, Sep 24 Wildmer Biagini Emilia Romagno, Italy G 51 ? ? ?
1988, Oct 4 Charles Albert Lizotte Toronto, Canada G ? ? beaten ?
1988, Oct 20 Toni (David) Lowry Pittsburgh, CA T ? ? stabbed ?
1988, Nov 4 Vernon Sivilla Norfolk, VA G ? ? hit and run ?
1988, Nov 20 Unidentified Santa Ana, CA G ? ? shot ?
1988, Dec 28 William Allen Alexandria Park, Australia G ? ? beaten ?
1989 Venus Xtravaganza New York, NY T ? ? ? ?
1989 Petty Santiago South Bronx, NY ? ? ? ? ?
1989 Ross Warren South Bondi, Australia G ? ? thrown from cliff ?
1989 John Russell South Bondi, Australia G 31 ? thrown from cliff ?
1989, Jan 15 Giacomo Brigliano Liguria, Italy G 50 ? ? ?
1989, Feb 16 Steven Hernandez Portland, OR G ? ? ? ?
1989, Mar 18 Adriano Gioia Lazio, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1989, May Lindsay (Todd Asay) Alexander San Francisco, CA T ? ? shot ?
1989, May 24 Francesco Raiteri Piemonte, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1989, Jun 28 Carla Leigh Salazar Santa Ana, CA G ? ? stabbed ?
1989, Sep 15 Ruben Jarin Panis Los Angeles, CA G ? clothes designer ? Juan Chavez
1989, Sep 28 Giuseppe Aliprandi Lazio, Italy G 52 ? ? ?
1989, Sep 28 Mickael Tartakowsky Lazio, Italy G 57 ? ? ?
1989, Oct 1 Juaquin Jiminez New York, NY ? ? ? beaten ?
1989, Oct 12 Donald Charles Kleeman Los Angeles, CA G ? ? ? Juan Chavez
1989, Oct 22 Robert Sibert ? G ? ? shot Keith Goodman
1989, Oct 23 Michael Allen Cates Los Angeles, CA G ? ? ? Juan Chavez
1989, Oct 31 Salvatore Barraco Liguia, Italy G 53 ? ? ?
1989, Nov 5 Leo Hildebrand Los Angeles, CA G ? ? ? Juan Chavez
1989, Nov 28 Brian Poole Balboa Park, San Diego, CA G ? ? ? ?
1989, Nov 29 Dr. Martha Alsup Anguilla L ? ? ? ?
1989, Nov 29 Dr. Susan Galbin Anguilla L ? ? ? ?
1989, Dec 2 Charles Dorfeouil Lombardi, Italy G 48 ? ? ?
1989, Dec 21 Harold D. Williams ? G ? ? shot Keith Goodman
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1990 3 men Nahavand G ? ? ? ?
1990 2 women Langrood L ? ? stoned ?
1990 Charlie Resender Texas G 38 ? ? ?
1990 Thanh Nguyen Texas G 29 ? ? ?
1990, Jun 11 Castra Nova Estabon ? T ? ? shot ?
1990, Jun 24 Sherri Ransom ? T ? ? beaten ?
1990, Jul 2 Jose Angel Osuna ? G? ? ? shot ?
1990, Sep 4 Donald Pierce ? G ? ? run over ?
1990, Oct Tasha Dunn ? T ? ? bludgeoned ?
1990, Nov 5 Michelle Maree ? ? ? ? shot ?
1990, Dec 24 Edna Brown Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1991 David A. Perez ? G ? ? ? ?
1991, Oct Lynn Therrett ? ? ? ? ? ?
1991, Oct 14 Huriell (David King) Lockett Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1991, Oct 29 Unknown Atlanta, GA T ? ? blunt force ?
1991, Oct 29 Rhonda (Ronnie Dean Lyles) Star Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1991, Nov 8 Jean (Woodrow) Powell Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1991, Dec 17 Kenneth (Midnight) Robinson ? T ? ? stabbed ?
1991, Dec 29 Richard Goldman ? G ? ? shot his father
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1992, Feb 13 James Holman Colorado G 36 ? stabbed ?
1992, Feb 18 Jessy Santiago ? T ? ? stabbed ?
1992, May 22 Mauricio Bassa California G ? ? ? ?
1992, May 30 Harold Draper ? G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, May 30 John Garfield California G ? ? ? ?
1992, June Rene "Michelle" Ouellet ? G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jun 2 David Stewart Colorado G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jun 11 Sanford "Sam" Swift ? G ? ? ? ?
1992, Jun 18 Unknown Oaxaca, Mex T ? ? beaten ?
1992, Jul 6 Marsha P. Johnson ? T ? ? drowned ?
1992, Jul 13 Rene de la Torre Gonzales Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Francisco Estrada Valle Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Javier Rivero Melendez Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Francisco Palomera Pimentel Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 13 Nicolas Amerena Lagunes Mexico City, Mex G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Jul 16 Benjamin Zesch Colorado G 61 ? stabbed ?
1992, Sep 15 Robert Ferrell Colorado G 57 ? stabbed ?
1992, Oct 24 Joseph Charles Holleran Arizona G ? ? beaten ?
1992, Nov Victor Hugo Casitlejos Tuxtia, Mex G ? ? shot ?
1992, Nov 8 Anthony Swain Atlanta, GA G ? ? stabbed ?
1992, Dec Stephanie (Stephen) Chapman ? T ? ? shot ?
1992, Dec 8 Grayce "Candace" Baxter ? T ? ? choked ?
1992, Dec 19 Derry Glenn Atlanta, GA G ? ? shot ?
1992, Dec 20 Unidentified Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1992, Dec 21 Jack Cowles ? G ? ? ? ?
1992, Dec 21 Kenneth Love ? G ? ? ? ?
1992, Dec 26 Anthony Carr Colorado G 33 ? stabbed ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1993 Peter Walker Battersea, Eng G ? choreographer suffocated Colin Ireland
1993 Christopher Dunn Wealdstone, Eng G ? librarian suffocated Colin Ireland
1993 Perry Bradley III Kensington, Eng G 35 (American) strangled Colin Ireland
1993 Andrew Collier Dalston, Eng G 33 ? strangled Colin Ireland
1993, Jan 3 Eric Moore ? G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jan 7 Ana Maria Rosales ? T ? ? ? ?
1993, Jan 8 Charles Logan ? G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jan 14 Elizabeth Kelle Davidson Georgia L ? ? shot ?
1993, Jan 22 Randy Gonzales Colorado G 26 ? stabbed ?
1993, Jan 26 Christiana D'Arcy Hartford, CT T ? ? strangled ?
1993, Feb 3 Alan Haskell ? G ? ? ? ?
1993, Feb 6 Neftali Ramirez Ruiz Tuxtia, Mex G ? ? shot ?
1993, Feb 14 James Flaherty Florida G 52 ? stabbed & strangled ?
1993, Mar 11 Michael Cooper Florida G ? ? multiple gunshot ?
1993, Jul 7 Keith Michael Ogden California G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jul 8 John Duncan O'Friel California G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jul 21 James Primus Alabama G ? ? ? ?
1993, Jul 30 Chris Miller Little Rock, Arkansas G ? ? stabbed and beaten 3 men
1993, Aug Emanuel Joseph Spiteri ? G ? chef strangled Colin Ireland
1993, Aug 5 Father Ronald Dwayne Maupin Napa, CA G ? ? stabbed ?
1993, Aug 17 Donnie O. Osby Florida G ? ? shot ?
1993, Sep 6 Dinh Van Vo Honolulu, HI G ? ? strangled ?
1993, Sep 16 Ricky Godbolt ? ? ? ? ? ?
1993, Sep 16 Rogers Donahue ? ? ? ? ? ?
1993, Oct 7 Marquita Johnson ? ? ? ? shot 3x ?
1993, Oct 8 Robert Walter Laurel, Miss G 34 ? ? 16 year old
1993, Oct 8 Joseph Shoemake Laurel, Miss G 24 ? ? 16 year old
1993, Nov 2 Steven R. Heyman Colorado G 47 ? bludgeoned ?
1993, Dec Brandon Teena Falls City, Neb. T ? ? ? ?
1993, Dec 10 James Maile Connecticut G 25 ? bludgeoned ?
1993, Dec 19 Larry Venzant Chicago, IL T 20 ? stabbed David Feikema
1993, Dec 22 James Graves California G 50 ? ? ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1994, Jan 2 Johanna Langer ? ? ? ? stabbed 120x ?
1994, Jan 16 Duane Linsley Arizona ? ? ? shot ?
1994, Feb 5 Paul McClure ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Feb 25 Ronnie Hugh Smith Arkansas G 58 ? bludgeoned ?
1994, March Craig Duncan Florida G ? ? stabbed ?
1994, Mar 18 Frank W. White ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Mar 24 Tony Ray California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Mar 28 Tommy Wenger California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Apr Raymundo Figueroa Pinto Carnitan, Mex G ? ? ? ?
1994, Apr 4 Robert Haines Arizona G ? ? shot ?
1994, Apr 4 David A. Jarman ? G ? ? ? ?
1994, May 8 Bruce Hutchinson Colorado G ? ? bludgeoned ?
1994, May 9 Andrew Rowe ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, May 10 Marvin Greenwell ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, May 17 Stuart Jerome Moses ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, May 23 Paul Anderson Colorado ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Jun 6 Michael Despain Arizona ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Jun 23 Shelton Thigpen ? ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Jul 4 Therman Brown California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Sep 17 Lazaro Comesana Miami, Florida G ? ? strangled ?
1994, Oct 17 Jon Simmons California ? ? ? ? ?
1994, Oct 26 Luna Tegucigalpa, Honduras T ? ? ? ?
1994, Nov 3 Claudio Orlando dos Santos Florianopolis, Brazil G ? Pres of ADDH beaten police
1994, Nov 20 Walter Jammell Hinton Florida G 43 ? ? ?
1994, Dec 2 Terrie Ladwig Concord, CA T 28 ? strangled ?
1994, Dec 12 Thomas Frazee Arizona G 28 ? shot ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1995 Mara Duvouw ? ? ? ? ? ?
1995, May 8 Bill Clayton ? ? ? ? ? ?
1995, May 15 Debra Forte ? T ? ? beaten & stabbed ?
1995, June Unknown Santiago, Chile T ? ? beaten ?
1995, Jun 27 Liborio Cruz Calzada de Tlalpan, Mex. G ? ? beaten ?
1995, Aug 7 Tyra Hunter Washington, DC T ? ? refused medical Hospital ER
1995, Aug 18 Mocha Celis ? T ? ? shot ?
1995, Oct 11 Quincy Favors Taylor Atlanta, GA T ? ? shot ?
1995, Oct 14 Steven Wilson Middletown, Delaware G ? ? beaten & drowned ?
1995, Nov 20 Chanelle Pickett ? T ? ? beaten & strangled ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1996, Mar 22 Christian Paige Chicago, IL T 24 female impersonator stabbed 15+x ?
1996, May 20 Shawn Keegan Toronto, Canada T 19 prostitute shot 2x Marcello Palma
1996, May 20 Deanna (Thomas) Wilkinson Toronto, Canada T 31 prostitute shot Marcello Palma
1996, Jul 20 Keooudorn Phothisane Minneapolis, MN T 21 prostitute? bludgeoned ?
1996, Aug 15 Thomas Hall Wahiawa, HI G ? ? beaten ?
1996, Nov 4 Dion Webster ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
1996, Nov 9 Alan Fitzgerald Walker Fayetteville, Arizona ? ? ? beaten & strangled ?
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
Toya Charlton ? ? ? ? shot ?
1997, Apr 27
Jeffrey Allen Trail Minneapolis, MN ? ? ? ? Andrew Phillip Cunanan
1997, May 3
David Jon Madson Rush City, MN ? ? ? shot 3x Andrew Phillip Cunanan
1997, Jun 25
Delfino Martinez Galvez Mexico ? ? ? ? ?
1997, Jul 15
Gianni Versace Miami Beach, FL G 50 designer shot Andrew Phillip Cunanan
1997, Jul 25
Irving Sicherer Aventura, FL G ? ? ? ?
1997, Jul 25
Anthony Martilotto Fort Lauderdale, FL G ? ? ? ?
1997, Aug 25
six Inmates Jamaica ? ? ? ? other prisoners
1997, Oct
Stacey Estupinian Guatemala City, Guat. ? ? ? ? ?
1997, Oct 2
Maria "La Conchita" Palencia ? ? ? ? shot ?
1997, Oct 14
Luis Palencio Guatemala City, Guat. ? ? ? ? ?
1997, Oct 15
Robert H. Jones New Castle, Delaware G ? ? shot ?
1997, Nov 5
James Robert Baker Pacific Palisades, CA G 51 author suicide self
1997, Dec 24
Vianna Faye Williams ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
Kim Australia T ? model thrown from cliff ?
1998, Jan
Thomas Moffat Phoenix, Arizona G ? ? ? ?
1998, Jan
Ali Sherifi Hamadan, Iran G ? ? ? ?
1998, Jan 4
Enrico Sini Luzi Lazio, Italy G ? ? ? ?
1998, Jan 14
Renato Degni Lombardia, Italy G 66 ? ? ?
1998, Feb
Robert Hernandez Phoenix, Arizona G ? ? shot ?
1998, Feb 14
Tasha Dunn Tampa, FL G ? ? beaten ?
1998, Feb 24
Jacqueline Julita Anderson Portland, OR G 29 ? shot ?
1998, Mar 13
Brian Wilmes ? ? 45 ? beaten ?
1998, Mar 22
Abdul Sami Herat ? ? ? buried alive ?
1998, Mar 22
Bismellah Herat ? ? ? buried alive ?
1998, Mar 24
Leslie Re'Geanna Chicago, IL ? ? ? run down ?
1998, Mar 25
Rev. Ramon Martinez Port Sulpher, LA ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, May 2
Justin Fashanu Shoreditch, London G 37 footballer suicide self
1998, May 5
Karla Barrahona El Salvador ? ? ? shot ?
1998, May 15
Sigfrilda Arguelles Shantall Catacmas, Honduras ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, Jun 4
Santos Cruz El Salvador ? ? ? shot ?
1998, Aug 4
Junior "Luana" de Silva Logo Salvador, Brazil ? ? ? drowned police
1998, Aug 18
Fitzroy "Jamaica" Green ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, Sep 12
Unidentified ? T ? ? stabbed 20x ?
1998, Sep 20
Chanel Chandler ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
1998, Oct 12
Matthew Shepard Laramie, WY G 21 student tortured Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson
1998, Nov 28
Rita Hester ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
1999, Jan 9 Lauryn Paige ? T ? ? stabbed ?
1999, Jan 9 Harold Jack Eisenhoth II Eldorado, Colorado G ? ? hammer ?
1999, Feb 6 Steve Dwayne Garcia ? ? ? ? shot ?
1999, Feb 19 Billy Jack Gauthier Sylacauga, AL ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Feb 20 Chris Muzett ? ? ? ? strangled ?
1999, Feb 25 Unknown ? T ? ? shot ?
1999, Mar 29 Tracey Thompson Cordele, GA T 33 ? beaten ?
1999, May 29 James Edwin Appleby II San Juan, PR ? ? ? stabbed ?
1999, July John C. Lloys Gainseville, FL G ? ? stabbed 29x ?
1999, Jul 5 Pfc. Barry Winchell Fort Campbell, KY ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Sep 30 Daniel O'Brien Denver, Colorado G 36 ? strangled ?
1999, Oct Jose Armando Rivera San Salvador, El Salvador ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Oct 15 Sissy (Charles) Bolden Savannah, GA T ? ? ? ?
1999, Oct 22 Antonio Texera dos Santos ? ? ? ? ? ?
1999, Dec? Simone San Francisco, CA T ? model thrown - five stories ?
1999, Dec 8 Unnamed Infant ? I ? ? blunt force mother
1999, Dec 10 Nestor Adonai Marenco San Salvador, El Salvador G ? ? ? ?
1999, Dec 13 Efrain Lopez Rivera Puerto Rico G ? ? stabbed ?
1999, Dec 27 Larry Lee Guatemala, Guat. G 41 reporter ? ?
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2000, Feb 3
Jill Seidel Honolulu, HI L ? ? ? ?
2000, Feb 16
Vanese-Larena Ledesma Cordoba, Argentina G ? ? beaten & tortured ?
2000, Mar 3
Brian David James Hyer Kingman, Arizona G 31 ? shot ?
2000, April
Deja Johnson aka Dondre Miami, FL T 28 ? shot ?
2000, Apr 23
Tyra Henderson ? T ? ? bludgeoned ?
2000, May 20
Astrid La Fontaine ? T ? ? shot ?
2000, Jun 8
Jamie (James) L. Brown Longboat Key, FL T 57 ? stabbed ?
2000, Jun 20
Amanda Milan New York City T 25 model throat slashed Dwayne McCuller
2000, Jul 4
JR Warren West Virginia ? ? ? ? ?
2000, Jul 5
Beverly Lineth Guatemala City, Guat. ? ? ? beaten ?
2000, Jul 21
Julia Carrizales Webster, TX ? ? ? strangled ?
2000, Jul 29
Dayana (Jose Luis) Nieves Carabobo, Nicaragua ? ? ? ? ?
2000, Aug 19
Mark Blum N. Miami Beach, FL G 48 ? dumbell ?
2000, Aug 27
Keith F. Jackson Miami, FL G 32 ? blunt force trauma ?
2000, Sep 22
Danny Overstreet Roanoke, VI ? ? ? ? ?
2000, Oct 6
Steve Ruck Cedar Ridge, Colorado G 31 ? shot ?
2000, Oct 18
Joe-Hal Faughn Orlando, FL G ? ? ? ?
2000, Nov 19
Walquiria (Walter) San Salvador, El Salvador T ? ? shot ?
2000, Nov 20
Billy Jean Lavette Savannah, GA T ? ? blunt force ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2001, Jan 26 Brandi Houston Houston, TX ? ? ? ? ?
2001, Feb 25 Victor Pachas ? ? ? ? beaten, stabbed & suffocated ?
2001, Mar 4 Francisco Javier Luna Houston, TX ? ? ? shot ?
2001, Apr 10 Antonio Johnson ? ? ? ? shot ?
2001, Apr 18 Alexandra ? T ? ? run down ?
2001, Jun 16 Fred C. "FC" Martinez Jr Cortez, Colorado G 16 student beaten ?
2001, Jun 18 Carlo Enrique Teixeira ? ? ? ? shot ?
2001, Jul 26 Della (Lester Childress) Reeves ? T ? ? stabbed ?
2001, Jul 29 David Blare, aka Steve Perry Ketchikan, Alaska G ? ? ? ?
2001, Nov Tomas Morales Miami, FL G 70 ? ? ?
2001, Nov 21 Jamie (James) Jackson ? T ? ? beaten ?
2001, Dec 12 Terrianne Summers Jacksonville, FL T ? ? shot ?
2001, Dec 23 Raimundo Nonato ? ? ? ? machete ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2002, Jan 11 Michelle Paz Valencia, Venezuela T ? ? shot 4x ?
2002, Feb 16 Raymond (Amy Soos) Phoenix, Arizona T ? ? ? ?
2002, Feb 25 Unidentified ? T ? ? chocked & stabbed ?
2002, March 3 Alejandro Ray Lucero Phoenix, Arizona G ? ? ? ?
2002, Mar 23 Antonia K. ? T ? ? run over Neo-Nazi
2002, Apr 10 Arlene (Hector) Diaz ? T ? ? shot ?
2002, Apr 26 Jocelyn Sandberg Colorado Springs, Colorado L 42 activist hit with rock ?
2002, May 17 Gary "Brazon" McMurtry ? ? ? ? samurai sword ?
2002, Jun 7 Aretha "ReRe" (Franklin Freeman) Scott ? ? ? ? shot ?
2002, Jul 15 Nguyen Bui Linh ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
2002, Aug 12 Ukea Davis ? ? ? ? shot ?
2002, Aug 20 Daisy (Porfiro) Mejia ? T ? ? blunt force ?
2002, Dec 4 Fernanda (Boris Javier) Covarrubi ? T ? ? mutilation ?
2002, Dec 14 Tamyra Michaels ? ? ? ? shot ?
2002, Dec 24 Roberta Nizah Morris ? ? ? ? beaten w/ crowbar ?
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2003, Jan 8
Cinnamon (Timothy) Broadus ? ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Mar 22
Merlinka ? ? ? ? beaten ?
2003, Jun 18
Michael Charles Hurd Houston, TX ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Jul 1
Dayana Valverde ? ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Jul 20
Cinnamon (Kendrick) Perry Montrose, TX ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Aug 16
Bella Evangelista ? ? ? ? shot ?
2003, Aug 26
Cassandra "Tula" Do ? ? ? ? strangled ?
2003, Aug 30
Enrico Taglialatela ? ? ? ? burned alive ?
2003, Oct 7
Ryan Halligan Essex Junction, VT G 13 student suicide self
2003, Oct 10
Erika Johana ? ? ? ? blunt force ?
2003, Oct 30
Rider Orcero ? ? ? ? beaten & stangled ?
2003, Nov 30
China (Lee) Zainal ? ? ? ? stabbed 9x ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2004, Jul 20 Leandro Bispo Estavao ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Sep 13 Andre ? ? ? ? bludgeoned ?
2004, Aug 14 Rivera Rene ? ? ? ? throat slashed ?
2004, Aug 15 Joel Robles ? ? ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Aug 28 Bella Martinez ? ? ? ? shot ?
2004, Nov 3 Gisberta Porto, Portugal T ? ? stoned ?
2004, Nov 3 Divas B. Manitoba, Canada T ? ? ? ?
2004, Nov 6 Unknown Long Beach, CA T ? ? beaten ?
2004, Nov 19 Penny Port Sheffield, Eng T ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Nov 26 Unknown Surco, Peru T ? ? incinerated ?
2004, Dec 3 Luana Migliarino, Italy T ? ? shot ?
2004, Dec 20 C. Hernandez Mendoza, Argentina T ? ? stabbed ?
2004, Dec 21 Dr. Robert Binenfeld Monroe, NY G ? ? strangled ?
2004, Dec 26 Felicia Moreno Hollywood, CA T ? ? shot 2x ?
2004, Dec 27 Ryan Shey Hoski Albuquerque, NM T ? ? beaten ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2005, Jan 12 Unknown Parana, Argentina T ? ? ? ?
2005, Jan 28 Ronnie Parks Jr. Tampa, FL G ? ? beaten his father
2005, Feb 16 Karlien Carstens Okahandja, Namibia ? ? ? strangled ?
2005, Feb 22 Unknown Neuquen, Argentina T ? ? ? ?
2005, Mar 1 Michelle (Eddie) Chung Chou Lee Daly City, CA ? ? ? stabbed ?
2005, Mar 17 Phool Chand Yadav Lucknow, India T ? ? raped ?
2005, Mar 26 Mylene Marseilles, France T ? ? stabbed ?
2005, Apr 12 Alejandra Galicio Bahia Blanca, Argentina T ? ? beaten ?
2005, May 1 Ashley Nickson Dothan, AL T ? ? shot ?
2005, May 6 Delilah (Amancio) Corrales Yuma, AZ T ? ? "violent trauma" ?
2005, May 16 Julio Argueta Miami, FL T ? ? stabbed 12x ?
2005, May 22 Timothy Blair Jr. Louisville, KY G ? ? shot ?
2005, May 28 Marisa Buenos Aires, Argentina T ? ? stabbed 15x ?
2005, Jun 18 Kasha (Antonio Wright) Blue Chicago, IL T ? ? stabbed ?
2005, July Irene Amsterdam T ? ? stabbed ?
2005, Jul 19 Mahmoud Asgari Edalat Square, Mashhad, Iran G ? ? hung ?
2005, Jul 19 Ayaz Marhoni Edalat Square, Mashhad, Iran G ? ? hung ?
2005, Oct 12 Christina Smith Houston, TX T ? ? shot ?
2005, Oct 17 Kaaseem Adalla Juanda Glenwood, IA T 60 ? shot ?
2005, Nov 11 Unknown Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia T ? ? slit throat ?
2005, Nov 15 Donathyn J. Rodgers Cleveland, OH ? ? ? shot ?
2005, Nov 20 Rani North Calcutta T ? ? stoned ?
2005, Nov 21 Vanessa Facen San Diego, CA T ? ? ? ?
2005, Nov 27 Unknown Northridge, CA T ? ? mutilated John Freeman
2005, Dec 4 Simone Walton Dallas, TX T ? ? shot ?
2005, Dec 18 Paulina (Juan Pablo) Mendez Guatemala City, Guat. T ? ? shot police
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2006, Feb 3 Alexis (Brandon) L. King Nicetown, PA T ? ? shot ?
2006, Feb 9 Tiffany Berry Memphis, TN T ? ? shot ?
2006, Feb 15 Yardena Marsh Tel Aviv, Israel T ? ? shot ?
2006, Mar 21 Melissa "Mo" Green Phoenix, AZ T ? ? shot ?
2006, May 20 Alfred Dibble Stockton, CA T ? ? beaten ?
2006, May 26 Sudka (aka Lakshmi) Tiruchy, India T ? ? genital mutilation ?
2006, Jun 10 Barbara (Honduran Geovanny) Calderon Guatemala City T ? ? shot ?
2006, Nov 26 Valentina (Mario) Falco Novara, Italy T ? ? stabbed ?
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2007, Jan 7 Nakia Ladelle Baker Nashville, TN T 31 ? trauma to head ?
2007, Jan 11 Hasan Sabeh Baghdad, Iraq T 34 ? stripped & shot Islamist death squad
2007, Jan 31 Keittirat Longnawa Rassada, Thailand T ? ? throat slit 9 youths
2007, Feb 18 Tatiana (Aldomiro Gomes) Trani, Italy T 57 ? head smashed ?
2007, Mar 5 Moira Donaire Viña del Mar, Chile T 30 ? stabbed 5x street vendor
2007, Mar 16 Michelle "Chela" Carrasco Santiago, Chile T 54 ? beaten ?
2007, Mar 16 Ruby Rodriguez San Francisco, CA T 27 ? strangled ?
2007, Mar 23 Erica Keel Philadelphia, PA T 21 ? hit by car 3x+ ?
2007, Apr 2 Bret T. Turner Madison, WI T 48 ? stabbed ?
2007, Apr 21 Manuela di Cesare Pescara, Italy T 37 ? head smashed ?
2007, Jul 7 Unidentified Kingston, Jamaica T ? ? gunshot ?
2007, Jul 20 Victoria Arellano San Pedro, CA T ? ? denied medication ?
2007, Jul 29 Oscar Mosqueda Daytona Beach, FL T ? shot ?
2007, Aug 1 Stefania Coppi Roma, Italy T 35 ? beaten ?
2007, Aug 30 Maribelle Reyes Houston, TX T ? ? denied medical treatment ?
2007, Nov 12 Thanawoot Wiriyananon Phuket, Thailand T 19 ? strangled ?
2007, Nov 17 Elly "Sayep" Susanna Jakarta, Indonesia T ? ? drowned public order officers
2007, Nov 19 Sally (Salvador) Camatoy Dubai, Philippines T ? ? beaten ?
2007, Nov 21 Kellie Telesford Thornton Heath, UK T 39 ? Strangled ?
2007, Dec 23 Brian McGlothian Cincinnati, OH CD 25 ? shot Antonio Williams
2007, Dec 28 Gabriela Alejandra Albornoz Santiago, Chile T ? ? stabbed ?
January-June 2008
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2008 Ege Tanyurek Adiyaman, Turkey G ? ? (forced?) suicide self
2008 Ali Iraq T ? ? executed Gov of Iraq
2008 Unidentified w/ Ali Iraq T ? ? executed Gov of Iraq
2008, Jan 8 Patrick Murphy Albuquerque, NM CD 39 ? shot ?
2008, Jan 8 Stacy Brown Baltimore, MD T 30 ? shot in head ?
2008, Jan 21 Adolphus Simmons Charleston, SC T 18 ? shot ?
2008, Jan 22 Fedra Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia T ? ? not reported ?
2008, Feb 4 Ashley Sweeney Detroit, MI T ? sex worker shot ?
2008, Feb 10 Sanesha (Talib) Stewart Bronx, NY T 25 ? stabbed ?
2008, Feb 12 Lawrence King Oxnard, CA G 15 student shot classmates
2008, Feb 22 Simmie Williams, Jr. Fort Lauderdale, FL G 17 student shot ?
2008, Mar 15 Luna Lisbon, Portugal T ? ? beaten ?
2008, Apr 16 Lloyd Nixon West Palm Beach, FL G 45 ? beaten ?
2008, May 26 Felicia Melton-Smyth Puerto Vallarta, Mex T ? HIV activist stabbed Francisco Javier Hollos
2008, Jun 24 Silvana Berisha Hamburg, Germany T ? ? stabbed ?
July-December 2008
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2008, Jul 1
Ebony (Rodney) Whitaker Memphis, TN T 20 ? shot ?
2008, Jul 2
Daisy Dube Johannesburg, Africa T ? ? ? ?
2008, Jul 11
Rosa Pazos Sevilla, Spain T ? ? stabbed ?
2008, Jul 14
Juan Carlos Aucalle Coronel Lombardi, Italy G 35 ? run over ?
2008, Jul 16
Ahmet Yildiz Istanbul, Turkey G 23 physics student machine gun his family?
2008, Jul 17
Angie Zapata Greeley, CO T 18 ? beaten Alan Ray Andrade
2008, Jul 17
Jaylynn L. Namauu Makiki Honolulu, HI T 35 ? stabbed ?
2008, Jul 29
Samantha Rangel Brandau Milan, Italy T 30 ? stabbed a gang
2008, Aug 20
Nakhia (Nikki) Williams Louisville, KT T 29 ? shot ?
2008, Sep 21
Ruby Molina Sacramento, CA T 22 ? drowned ?
2008, Oct 6
Kim Ji-hoo Jamsil, Seoul, SK G 23 actor & model suicide self
2008, Nov
6 trans women Bahia, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2008, Nov 3
Aimee Wilcoxson Aurora, CO T 34 ? ? ?
2008, Nov 9
Duanna Johnson Memphis, TN T 42 ? shot ?
2008, Nov 11
Dilek Ince Ankara, Turkey T ? ? shot ?
2008, Nov 14
Lateisha Green Syracuse, NY T 22 Motel Supervisor shot Dwight R. DeLee
2008, Nov 20
Yasmin Honduras T ? sex worker beaten ?
2008, Dec 5 transwomen Bahia, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2008, Dec 17
Noelia Honduras T ? sex worker beaten ?
2008, Dec 17
Jennifer Gale Austin, Texas T 47 homeless exposure City of Austin
2008, Dec 19
Unidentified Gebze, Turkey T ? ? shot 2x ?
2008, Dec 24
Unidentified Milan, Italy T 50 ? head injury ?
2008, Dec 26
Taysia Elzy Indianapolis, IN T 34 ? shot 4x Christopher Conwell
2008, Dec 26
Michael Green Indianapolis, IN G? 22 ? shot Christopher Conwell
January 2009
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Jan
Daisy San Cristobal, Mexico T ? ? ? ?
2009, Jan 1
Kátia Otacílio Vilela Jataí, Brazil T 48 bar owner stabbed 14x ?
2009, Jan 3
Mhtium Abululak Catelfranco Veneto, Italy T 33 ? stabbed ?
2009, Jan 7
Alexas Rojas Castro Monterrey, Mex. T 35 ? stabbed 12x ?
2009, Jan 9
Cynthia Nicole Comayaguela, Honduras T 32 Colecitvo Violeta spokesperson shot ?
2009, Jan 9
Marcelo Cairo Souza Jataí, Brazil T 22 ? shot ?
2009, Jan 16
Aline da Silva Ribeira Castelfranco Veneto, Italy T 23 ? ? ?
2009, Jan 17
Caprice Curry San Francisco, CA T 31 unemployed (homeless?) stabbed ?
2009, Jan 18
Bella Pasar Minggu, Jakarta T 35
? stabbed ?
2009, Jan 18
Silvana Rocha Gilvan Silva Aracaju, Brazil T 40 sex worker beaten ?
2009, Jan 18
"Rovilson" Teixeira Londrina, Brazil T 18 ? stabbed 7x ?
2009, Jan 19
unidentified Londrina, Brazil T 25 ? stabbed 4x ?
2009, Jan 19
Minja Kochis Belgrade, Serbia T 39 ? stabbed 2x ?
2009, Jan 19
Mateus Silva Italy T 28 sex worker beaten ?
2009, Jan 20
Albor "Victor Manuel" Camacho Acámbaro, Mexico T 24 ? tortured & beaten ?
2009, Jan 20
Guillén "Juan Carlos" Bautista Acámbaro, Mexico T 17 ? tortured & beaten ?
2009, Jan 22
Dayana Nicole Castillo García Tarapoto, Perú T 31 beauty salon owner stabbed ?
2009, Jan 22
Unidentified Guayaquil, Ecuador T 28 ? head injuries ?
2009, Jan 22
Taysia Elzy Indianapolis, Indiana T 34 ? ? ?
2009, Jan 25
Cita Solorzano (muxé) Asunción Ixtaltepec, Mexico T 40 ? ? ?
2009, Jan 28
Camila Hernández Nieto Sincelejo, Colombia T 18 ? stabbed ?
February 2009
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Feb 1 Noor Azlan Khamis Johor Bahru, Malaysia T 29 ? stabbed ?
2009, Feb 1 Will Teixeira da Silva Recife, Brazil T 25 ? shot ?
2009, Feb 1 Ailton Correa Maia Curitiba, Brazil T 31 ? shot ?
2009, Feb 10 Cristy Guatemala City, Guatemala T 25 ? stabbed 30x ?
2009, Feb 18 Puttalakshmi's Bangalore, India T 30 a hijra raped & thrown from a moving car ?
2009, Feb 18 Camila Pereira Uberlandia, Brazil T 20 ? stabbed ?
2009, Feb 18 "Joe" Campinas, Brazil T 30 ? stoned ?
2009, Feb 20 Cris Francisco das Neves Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Brazil T 31 ? head wounds ?
2009, Feb 21 Vicky Londoño Chavarría Ibagué, Columbia T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Feb 27 Pequeña P Gualeguaychú, Argentina T 27 ? strangled ?
March 2009
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Mar
Xiao Qian Kunming, China T 40 ? ? ?
2009, Mar 1
Miriam Nunes Lucas Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil T 41 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 3
Ebru (Dilan Pirinc) Soykan Istanbul, Turkey T 28 ? stabbed ?
2009, Mar 4
Guimarães de Lima João Pessoa, Brazil T 20 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 4
"Wanderson Wanderley" Teixeira da Rocha João Pessoa, Brazil T 20 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 5
"Danilo" Borges Londrinas, Brazil T 19 sex worker shot ?
2009, Mar 5
unidentified Nova Iguaco, Brazil T ? sex worker shot ?
2009, Mar 8
Kirsi Ubri Santiago, Dominican Republic T 24 ? stabbed ?
2009, Mar 10
"Julio" Avila Albarracín Mar del Plata, Argentina T 32 ? stabbed ?
2009, Mar 12
Adriana Sánchez López Juchitan, Mex. T 31 ? ? ?
2009, Mar 19-21
Virgen Castro Carrillo river in Sinaloa, Mex. T 30 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 20
Claudia Sao Paulo, Brazil T ? ? beaten & castrated ?
2009, Mar 22
"Francisco" Nazareno Italy T 31 seller poisoned ?
2009, Mar 22
Eda Yildirm Bursa, Italy T 48 ? decapitated & emasculated ?
2009, Mar 24
Sasha Estefania Caracas, Venezuela T ? ? shot ?
2009, Mar 24
Smail L. Valencia, Spain T 36 ? beaten ?
2009, Mar 24
Ramya Thanjavur, India T 34 ? strangled ?
2009, Mar 24
unidentified Belo Horizonte, Brazil T 26 ? shot ?
2009, Mar 27
unidentified Salvador, Brazil T ? seller stabbed ?
April 2009
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Apr 1
Gisela "Roni" Galante Gualeguaychú, Argentina T 42 ? ? ?
2009, Apr 11
Unidentified Niteroi, Brazil T 40 ? shot ?
2009, Apr 11
Melek K. Ankara, Turkey T 25 activist ? ?
2009, Apr 14
Jimmy McCollough Fayetteville, NC G 34 drag performer ? ?
2009, Apr 18
Carneiro de Sousa Fortaleza, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Apr 21
Eduardo "Jeva" Padilla Santiago, Dominican Rep. T 23 ? tortured & shot 40x ?
2009, Apr 23
Ramon Martinez Santiago, Dominican Rep. T 26 ? tortured & stabbed ?
2009, Apr 27
Juliana Martins Curitiba, Brazil T 28 ? shot ?
2009, Apr 27
Britney Pereira Cuiaba, Brazil T 23 ? beaten ?
May 2009
Date Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, May Ketlin Uruaçu, Brazil T 19 ? dismembered ?
2009, May 3 dos Santos Varzea Grande, Brazil T 19 ? strangled ?
2009, May 4 Fernanda Botelho Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2009, May 6 Jenifer Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2009, May 6 Richard Milton "Diksy" Jones Wellington, New Zealand T 64 ? ? ?
2009, May 7 Tigresa de Souza Reis Feira de Santana, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, May 18 Xiomaran Duras Caracas, Venezuela T 27 ? shot 6x ?
2009, May 22 Cagla Ankara, Turkey T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, May 24 Unidentified Belo Horizonte, Brazil T ? ? shot 13x ?
2009, May 25 Foxy Ivy Detroit, MI T 35 ? shot ?
2009, May 26 Dara Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, May 26 "Pedro" Sánchez Pérez San Miguel Canoa, Honduras T ?23 ? stabbed ?
June 2009
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Jun 1
Papucha La Victoria, Peru T 25 ? shot ?
2009, Jun 7
"La Luli" San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico T 30 ? stabbed ?
2009, Jun 9
Kelly (Frederick) Watson Albuquerque, NM T 32 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 11
Tanya Ardón San Salvador, El Salvador T 17 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 11
Catherine San Salvador, El Salvador T 28 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 11
Carla Regina Bento Sao Paulo, Brazil T 30 ? strangled ?
2009, Jun 14
Rafaele Curitiba, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jun 16
Anita Fajardo Ríos El Carmen, Mex T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Jun 22
not reported Belem, Brazil 16 sex worker shot client
2009, Jun 23
Kamilla Volgograd, Russia T 30 ? shot Vladmir
2009, Jun 24
Luana Maceió, Brazil T 22 ? shot ?
2009, Jun 24
Enrique "Jhosvani" Guevara Lima, Peru T 42 ? ? ?
2009, Jun 29
Hadise Istanbul, Turkey T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Jun 29
Vicki Hernández Castillo San Pedro Sula, Honduras T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jun 30
Valeria Tegucigalpa, Honduras T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jun 30
Martina Jackson Honduras T ? ? shot ?
July 2009
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Jul 1
Christopher Jermaine Scott Philadelphia, PA T 36 ? shot ?
2009, Jul 6
Violeta Vergara Conde Venezuela T 19 ? beaten ?
2009, Jul 7
Terri Benally Albuquerque, NM T 42 ? beaten ?
2009, Jul 9
Cesar Torres El Paso, TX G 39 ? blunt force ?
2009, Jul 12
"Judecir" Marinho de Oliveira Fortaleza, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jul 15
not reported Aparecida de Goiânia, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Jul 17
Fernanda Cerqueira da Silva Vila Barão, Brazil T 18 ? shot ?
2009, Jul 17
“Jesús Gerardo” Ávalos Mexico T 22 ? shot ?
2009, Jul 18
not reported Sonsonate, El Salvador T ? ? stabbed ?
2009, Jul 23
not reported Penang, Malaysia T 27 ? head injury ?
2009, Jul 25
Bianca João Pessoa, Brazil T ? ? ? ?
2009, Jul 26
Eric "Beyonce" Lee New Orleans, LA G 21 drag performer stabbed ?
August 2009
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2009, Aug
not reported Algiers, Algeria T ? ? beaten ?
2009, Aug 2
Kleberson Allan dos Anjos Santos Ribeirão Pires, Brazil T ? ? shot ?
2009, Aug 9
Héctor Emilio Maradiaga Snaider Tegucigalpa, Honduras T 24 ? shot ?
2009, Aug 16
Kanan al Muthia Setapak, Malaysia T 42 ? ? ?
2009, Aug 26
Tyli'a Mack (NaNa Boo) Washington, DC T 21 ? stabbed ?
2009, Aug 28
Paulina Ibarra Hollywood, CA T 24 ? stabbed ?
Date Portrait Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2010, Sep 9
Billy Lucas Greensburg, IN G 15 student suicide self
2010, Sep 19
Seth Walsh Tehachapi, CA G 13 student suicide self
2010, Sep 22
Tyler Clementi Piscataway, NJ G 18 violinist/student suicide, jumped from George Washington Bridge self
2010, Sep 23
Asher Brown Houston, TX G 13 student suicide self
2010, Nov 29
Idania Roberta Sevilla Raudales Comayaguela City, Honduras T 58 ? slit throat ?
2010, Dec 22
Luisa Alvarado Hernandez Comayaguela City, Honduras T 23 ? stoned, beaten & burned ?
2010, Dec 22
Lady Oscar Martinez Salgado Tegucigalpa, Honduras T 43 ? burned & stabbed ?
Date Portraits Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2011, Jan 2
Reana "Cheo" Bustamente Tegucigalpa, Honduras T ? ? stabbed ?
2011, Jan 7
Genesis Briget Makaligton Comayaguela City, Honduras T 25? ? strangled ?
2011, Jan 10
Krissy Bates Minneapolis, Minnesota T 45 ? stabbed ?
2011, Jan 18
Fergie Alice Ferg San Pedro Sula, Honduras T ? ? shot ?
2011, Feb 19
Tyra Trent Baltimore, Maryland T 25 ? strangled ?
2011, Mar 2
Priscila Brandao Belo Horizonte, Brazil T 22 ? shot in head ?
2011, Mar 8
Marcal Camero Tye Forrest City, Arkansas T 25 ? shot & dragged ?
2011, Mar 10
Shakira Harahap Taman Lawang, Jakarta T 28 ? shot ?
2011, Jun 13
"Miss Nate Nate" Eugene Davis Houston, Texas T 44 ? shot ?
2011, Jul 20
Lashai McLean Washington, DC T 23 ? shot ?
2011, Jul 31
Didem Findikzade, Istanbul T 26 ? slit throat ?
2011, Aug 1
Camila Guzman New York, NY T 38 ? stabbed ?
2011, Aug 6
Gaby Jalisco, Mexico T ? ? beaten & burned ?
2011, Aug 24
unidentified Paris, France T 30? ? stabbed ?
2011, Sep 10
Gaurav Gopalan Washington, DC T 35 ? beaten ?
2011, Sep 18
Jamey Rodemeyer Amherst, NY B 14 student suicide self
2011, Oct 6
Ramazan Cetin Gaziantep, Turkey T 24 ? shot ?
2011, Oct 14
Jamie Hubley Ottawa, ON G 15 student suicide self
2011, Oct 23
Shelley Hilliard Detroit, MI T 19 ? decapitated
2011, Oct 30
Jessica Rollon Bergamo, Italy T 32 ? strangled ?
2011, Nov 4
Astrid Carolina Lopez Cruz Madrid, Spain T 30 ? beaten & stabbed ?
2011, Nov 17
Chassity Nathan Vickers Hollywood, CA T 32 ? shot ?
Date Portraits Name Location SO Age Occupation Cause Killer
2012, Apr 15
Kenneth James Weishuhn Jr. Paullina, IA G 14 student suicide self
2012, Apr 22
Jack Denton Reese Mountain Green, UT G 17 student suicide self
2012, May 6
Jay "Corey" Jones Rochester, MN G 17 student suicide self
2012, Jun 2
Brandon Elizares El Paso, TX G 16 student suicide self