I have jumped out of an air plane at
11,500 feet. I have learned to walk on numerous occasions. I have
gotten up in front of a room filled with strangers and reduced them
to tears with a song. I have gone through protest marches, been in
the news and had no fear. Every week I don my angry white pajamas
and have men who are well over a foot taller at me throw punches at
me. I have been faced with my own mortality, but these things don't
frighten me. But if there is one thing on the face of this earth
that can reduce me to a state of shear panic it has to be women.
More specifically, women whom I find attractive and think there is a
remote possibility of dating.
My friends call it “elmer fudding”
and the name sounds a whole lot cuter than what it physically looks
like. I know I've probably blogged this before, but it really is a
serious problem. It goes beyond the “boy she's awkward” realm.
I am an articulate, decently educated individual, but when I'm around
a cute girl all that goes out the window and I turn into a drivelling
idiot and I mean beyond walking into a pole, or falling down stupid.
I have friends who say, ah don't worry about it Pam, but the truth is
that it is a big concern with me. If you look at the numbers, I'm a
lesbian, 10 percent of the population is supposed to be gay so 5
percent of them are women. That is a tiny portion of the population.
Now lets couple that with the fact that I am apparently incapable of
approaching women and the numbers thin out a lot more. Now lets take
the “fudding” into consideration. No one wants to approach a
woman for a date when it appears as if she needs medical attention
when you speak to them.
Another thing that really hangs me up
is that I don't “speak girl”. I know I'm a girl. I've lived
with the parts for 37 years now, but I just haven't be able to pick
up the subtle hints. If perchance that a girl does happen to hit on
me, I will have no clue. They tend to interpret this as disinterest.
I am just really very clueless. I need an interpreter.
This week is pride in my local city and
I'm actually considering barring myself inside with some popcorn and
netflix, just so I don't have to go through the painfully awkward
situations and spend the next 6 months trying to remove the taste of
shoe out of my mouth.
Perhaps since I've taken up religious
studies I should just make a vow of chastity and not have to worry
about the situation. That way when anyone asks why I'm single, I can
use it as an excuse. Nah I'm too honest for that!
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