recently got a comment on my blog stating that, “Not to say your
opinion is wrong, but calling it the 'bold truth' is a bit far
fetched. Even for you”. I was atypically ranting on this blog,
something that my other blog is used for, quiet emphatically for that
matter. My other blog is posted anonymously because the things I
rant about or people I'm ranting about I would like to remain
anonymous to protect them. Even though I come across as a jerk in
the anonymous blog, I do not wish to actually harm people or their
reputations. We all have skeletons in our closet and probably don't
want them aired out for the general population. So a dichotomy
exists with each blog being a portion of me. The things I'd like to
say versus the things I'm willing to publicly admit, my ego as
apposed to my super ego.
rant in question on this blog was a piece I wrote about Robin
Williams suicide. You don't have to agree with me. There is this
great thing that my Grandfathers fought for called freedom. It's the
reason we can speak our minds and we aren't running around in short
pants and jack boots. So I welcome a difference of opinion. The
part that made me particularly angry was the jab at the end. “Even
for you”. It says several things to me. Firstly, it implies that
you know me or believe you know me personally. Which is great. You
obviously didn't wish to hurt my feelings because you remained
anonymous while publicly chastising me. Secondly, you believe that my
opinions are far fetched in totally which you have a right to your
opinion. I just wonder why then you read my blog if my opinions
don't coincide with your own? Thirdly, the even for you implied
that you believe that your opinions have more value or are more
correct than mine. While stating that I have a right to my own
opinion you quantify it with the even for you which states you
believe that your opinion is superior to my own, which contradicts
the statement that says not to say my opinion is wrong. Your
contradicting comment leaves me wondering just who you believe you
are and just who you believe you are to me. I have stood toe to toe
arguing my point with friends who have vastly differing opinions from
me and still managed to be friends with them and respect them. They
show respect for me by acknowledging my right to an opinion and their
right to their own. We share idea's and perhaps we change each
others minds or perhaps we don't. It's all about communication and
accepting each other for who we are. Even though we may not see eye
to eye we acknowledge that we have differing opinions with out saying
that they are far fetched just different. Fourthly, the even for you
comment attempts to “knock me down a peg” by stating not only is
this opinion far fetched but the whole of my existence is far
fetched. Which again states that you believe that you are superior
to me. So in taking a look at your comment and the mode in which you
stated it I can draw these conclusions. It is a bold statement you
make from the shadows of anonymity. Fifthly, there is final
conclusion that I can draw from this statement in totality and the
guise that you posted it on. You are insecure. You are either
insecure in your relationship with myself, or you are insecure
voicing your opinion publicly. I pity you on either point. You see,
I'm not the type of person who is not personally threatened by
differing opinions. This is how we learn and grow as a civilization.
We are not all mindless automatons who answer in the same way. If
we don't question our beliefs or allow others to question our beliefs
than we don't truly understand them. If we don't understand our
beliefs and are blindly following them it leads to the misguided
belief that our beliefs and values are better than others which makes
us as individuals egocentric. If you are egocentric than you don't
have an opportunity to grow and change and better yourself as a
human-being and that in and of it's self is a tragedy. Perhaps the
next time you wish to voice your opinion of difference you may wish
to think a little more carefully about the words that you choose.
And that is just my humble observation and opinion.