Tuesday, 5 August 2014

An Exercise in creativity

One of my favourite things about summer is sitting in my garden typing away at my computer writing stories. But since last year my lap top has been broken and I'm stuck now with the computer known as the “frankenputer” It's a busted up lap top that I've connected a monitor to. It also has 5 missing keys, only one of them from the alphabet, so I am at least able to type. I love to write, it's one of the things my body can do with out much effort and no matter what shape or disability my physical body is doing, my mind still remains active. So this summer I haven't had much of an opportunity to write outside, and my writing is suffering. It's hard to imagine a cold blustery day outside with the birds chirping away at my ears. So as karate exercises my body (and brain to a degree) writing and creative writing exercises my brain. And boy it's been getting a work out of late. Unfortunately my cathartic garden has suffered and I am growing a lovely bunch of weeds. Ah well there is always next year, or the year after that, or after that.....

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