Friday, 11 October 2013



I remember when I was a kid the feeling of excitement that October brought. There was Thanksgiving, but following soon after that it was Hallowe'en! I would spend weeks agonizing about what I would dress up as. The game was to have the best costume and get the most candy. The more inventive my costume was, the more candy I would get. I would come home, check or let my parents check my candy and eat myself into a stomach ache. Now Hallowe'en is a different beast.

I can just imagine the conversations that are going around the tables this year. Mom, “What would you like to be for Hallowe’en?” Girl, “I want to be a sexy cop!” WTH Instead of taking this opportunity to to teach children that they should have more self value and worth the parents dole out the cash for highly inappropriate costumes. I'm no prude but the thought of someone “sexualizing” my child makes me punchy and the thought of someone leering at my child makes me down right stabby!

I wouldn't send my child out in one of those costumes if you paid me. I wouldn't allow my daughter to dress up as a prostitute either. We tell our children that No means NO and they should be able to walk down any dark ally without feeling threatened, visit any man or boy alone without being raped, wear what they want and speak what they want, but that isn't the case. Lots of women don't wear sexual clothing when they are raped, and I can just hear the hair on some peoples neck standing up as I type this. The blame does lay with the rapist! But why put yourself in a light that draws attention to yourself? Why dress your child up to make them more appealing to child molesters? Why put your child in a costume that makes them appear much older then they are? Yes the rapists are at fault, and this cry against humanity should not happen. We should be teaching our young boys and men not to objectify women and we can start this by not allowing ourselves to allow our young girls to objectify themselves.

What is my daughter dressing up as? She is either going out in her Gi or dressing up as a hobo. Either one is just fine by me!

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