Thursday, 6 February 2014

Lesbian Problems 2

Lesbian Problems 2

As I've said before, being a lesbian has it's own set of unique problems. Here is problem number 2.

Well meaning people who want you to be in a relationship. I love my friends, I really do. I have an eclectic bunch of them, and know people in so many different walks of life that I am actually impressed. One of my closest friends is a straight male, he is incredibly handsome (I'm gay not blind), he's smart, has a good job, and has just about the biggest heart you could ask for. He has also been studying martial arts for a long time of various styles which means the man doesn't have an inch of fat on him (despite my best efforts) so he is fairly muscular. He is some girls dream man. If I had a nickle for every time someone thought or suggested I date him I'd be rich. I love him, I really do. We call each other non-sexual life partners for a reason. He's got parts I'm not interested it, and who the hell even suggested that he might even be attracted to me?????
My lack of gaydar and my single status have made it so my well meaning friends make suggestions on who I should date. They point out friends of mine and say, “you should date her.” Why? Because we are both attracted to women? That doesn't mean we are attracted to each other! Just because we share a common interest in vagina's doesn't mean we are compatible in a relationship. I suppose it's a good start, but seriously don't you think if there were any attraction between us I would have asked her out on a date, or the reverse?
Then there is going out in public with my straight friends who know I don't have gaydar, but will point out every lesbian (or potential lesbian) to me. I'm flattered for the help, but there is such things as “types” I know I'm rather “butch” looking, and the assumption is I'd probably go for a fem right? I really have no interest in dating a girl who leaves a complete face print on the pillow. You never know what the hell is underneath all that make up, you could go to bed with Angelina Jolie and wake up next to Aileen Wuornos. On the opposite end of the scale, I should be glad that they aren't pointing out women with mullets anymore. I mean really? I'd shave them in their sleep and probably end up in jail or something. COME ON.
Then you have the “straight” girls who think just because you are a lesbian that you are attracted to them. This scenario always goes one of two ways. Either they assume that you want them and are disgusted or they want to pour alcohol into themselves and you so you end up in bed together. Either way NO FREAKING WAY. Hey here is a hint, I'm not a slut. I don't go jumping into bed with just anyone, and I'm actually kinda picky. Just for your information, no lesbian in her right mind wants to be the science experiment. I don't want to wake up in the morning with you trying to gnaw your arm off. I don't drink alcohol and really no amount of alcohol would do it. Unless I was unconscious and I probably wouldn't be much fun anyhow.
To wrap this up, yup finding a girlfriend is difficult but I've been okay thus far in finding mates (albeit sometimes I make poor choices). I am glad that my friends love me and want to see me happy, but I think I can manage on my own.

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